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随着人类经济文化的快速发展,各种类型的标志符号应社会的需求并随之大量产生。标志设计是一个将信息通过创意将视觉符号化的过程,而在标志计中,字体图形作为其重要的组成元素,传递着标志所承载的信息的整体,它以不同结构的符号担负着标志设计的过程,因此,在标志设计中,字体图形常常扮演着非常重要的角色,是设计师在设计标志时经常要考虑到的重要元素,即字体图形是标志设计中设计思想的建立基础。那字体图形是怎样产生以及发展而来的呢?它为什么是标志设计思想的建立基础呢?下面我将以这两方向为主进行论述。 With the rapid development of human economy and culture, various types of logo symbols should be generated by the needs of society and ensued. Logo design is a process of visualizing information through creativity. In the logo design, font graphics, as an important component of the logo, convey the whole of the information carried by the logo. It takes the symbol of different structure to bear the logo design Therefore, in the logo design, font graphics often play a very important role, which is an important element that designers often take into account when designing the logo. That is, the font graphic is the foundation of the design idea in the logo design. That fonts and graphics is how to produce and evolve from it? Why is it based on the idea of ​​logo design foundation? Here I will focus on these two aspects.
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1 会议的评价 这次会开得很成功,首先是认真贯彻了十六大的精神,贯彻了发展的思想。发展是硬道理。国际形势瞬息万变,如果你不发展就要挨打;国内的形势是,人民群众要求奔小
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原文题目:rnWhich is the best laparoscopic approach for inguinal hernia repair: TEP or TAPP? A systematic review of the literature with a network meta analysis.S