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随着互联网和信息技术的迅猛发展,“客户就是上帝”的时代真正开始了,“以客户为中心”的口号不仅仅是时尚,也日渐成为现实,本文所关注的是客户这个大的论题中一个十分重要的部分“客户对企业忠诚的问题”即“客户忠诚度”。一、培养客户忠诚度的重要性美国《哈催商业评论》的一项研究报告指出:能够再次光临企业的忠诚客户可带来25%或85%的利润,而吸引他们的主要原因是服务质量,其次是产品,最后才是价格。另一项调查表明:1个满意的客户会引发8笔潜在的生意,其中至少有1笔成交;1个不满意的客户会影响25个人的购买意向;争取1位新客户的成本是保住1位老客户的5倍。竞争加大了赢得新客户的难度和成本,使越来越多的企业转向保持老客户。把营销重点放在获利较为丰厚的忠诚客户群上,即使在新客户上投资较少,企业也能够实现大部分的盈利目标。事实说明:客户忠诚度,对企业来说那么至关重要。二、培养客户忠诚度的主要途径第一,首先建立企业产品的品牌忠诚。美国广告研究专家莱利·莱特有一句名言:拥有市场将会比拥有工厂更重要,拥有市场的 With the rapid development of the Internet and information technology, the era of “Customer is God” has truly begun. The slogan “customer-centered” is not only fashionable, but also becoming a reality. This article focuses on the customer. A very important part of the big issue “Customer-to-business loyalty problem” ie “Customer loyalty ”. I. Importance of fostering customer loyalty According to a research report of the United States “Harbin Business Review”, loyal customers who can come back to the company can bring 25% or 85% of profits. The main reason for attracting them is the quality of service. , followed by the product, and finally the price. Another survey shows that: 1 satisfied customer will trigger 8 potential businesses, including at least 1 transaction; 1 dissatisfied customer will affect 25 individuals’ purchase intention; the cost of obtaining a new customer is to keep 1 5 times older customers. Competition has increased the difficulty and cost of winning new customers, so that more and more companies are turning to keep their customers. Focusing on the loyal customer base where profitability is more lucrative, even with less investment in new customers, companies can achieve most of their profitability goals. The facts show that customer loyalty is so important to companies. Second, the main way to cultivate customer loyalty First, first establish brand loyalty of enterprise products. American advertising research expert Riley Wright has a famous saying: Having a market will be more important than owning a factory and owning a market.
俄国大文豪列夫·托尔斯泰在创作《安娜·卡列尼娜》时,该书的开头竟让他前后修改了12次之多。即使伟大如托翁者也会为开头煞费苦心,可见给文 When Russian great writer Le
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在新世纪课程改革的今天,教师面临着新的机遇和挑战,一场教与学的革命正在全国各地展开,我执教新人教版数学七至九年级教材三年以来,收获颇多,受益匪浅,在与学生共间学习进程中,难免会产生一些思考与心得,在此与教育界同行共勉。    一、新教材对教师提出了新的要求    新教材的设计理念无论是对教师的综合素质还是对教师运用现代教育技术驾驭课堂能力的要求都有很大程度的提高,首先,教师要树立终身学习的理念,实
金牌教练精讲    文题展示一  阅读下面材料,根据要求写一篇文章。  “融”有融化、融合、融洽……之意。冰雪化作春水是“融”,人际关系和谐是“融”,文化交流、思想沟通是“融”……请以“融”为话题,写一篇作文。  要求:角度自定,题目自拟,文体自选,不少于800字,不得抄袭。    审题导引  材料由两句话构成:第一句话解释了“融”的基本意思;第二句话由三个分句构成,分别从自然、人际交往、文化与思
目的 探讨混合酸脱钙时间及脱钙温度对切片质量的影响。方法 通过脱钙 ,记录脱钙时间、温度 ,制作石蜡切片 ,HE染色 ,显微镜观察等步骤 ,比较混合酸的脱钙时间及脱钙温度对
本文根据分形理论,认为断裂面具有分形特征,可用分维来描述断裂面的起伏程度。介绍了断裂面的分维测定方法,并讨论了JRC与分维D的关系,给出了经验公式。 According to the f