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浦发银行银川分行自2014年4月17日成立以来,在自治区党委、政府、监管部门和总行的大力支持与帮助下,将自身责任、使命融入宁夏经济发展,累计投放500亿元资金支持宁夏特色产业和重点项目建设。特别是2016年,浦发银行银川分行成功应对重重考验,实现“十三五”良好开局,资产总额达251.2亿元,各项融资余额达278亿元,新增各类融资135亿元,平均每年新增融资近百亿元,实现了资产规模的快速增长。 Since its establishment on April 17, 2014, Yinchuan Branch of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank has integrated its responsibilities and missions into the economic development of Ningxia with the support and assistance of the party committees, governments, regulators and the head office of the autonomous region, and has invested 50 billion yuan to support the Ningxia characteristics Industry and key projects. In 2016, in particular, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Yinchuan Branch successfully coped with numerous tests to achieve a good start in the “13th Five-Year Plan”, with a total assets of 25.1 billion yuan, a balance of 27.8 billion yuan of various financing and an additional 13.5 billion yuan of various types of financing, The average annual new financing of nearly 10 billion yuan, to achieve the rapid growth of asset size.
Behind the G20 Summit,major powers regroup The annual summit of the Group of20(G20)has always been the center of the world’s attention ever since it was first