飛人元年 迈克尔·乔丹的商业神话

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迈克尔·乔丹是NBA的神话,无论在球场上的荣誉还是他的个人品牌,都是不可复制的奇迹。自从1985年推出自己的首款个人品牌的球鞋之后,“飞人”品牌已经出到了第30代。虽然称不上款款经典,但每一代都有它的拥趸。乔丹独一无二的个人魅力赋予了这些球鞋神奇的魔力,事实上,这种魔力从他刚进联盟时就已经开始展现了。尽管乔丹一向对阿迪达斯公司情有独钟,但命运最终还是将他与耐克公司联系在了一起。在一种近似于赌博的心理作用驱使下,耐克和乔丹在他职业生涯开始 Michael Jordan is the NBA’s myth, regardless of the honor on the court or his personal brand, are miracles can not be copied. Since its launch in 1985, the first personal brand of shoes, “Flying Man ” brand has been out of the 30th generation. Although it can not be called classic models, but each generation has its fans. Jordan’s unique personal charm gives these magical magic shoes, in fact, this magic from when he first joined the Union has begun to show. Although Jordan has always had a soft spot for Adidas, but fate eventually linked him with Nike. Driven by a similar psychological effect of gambling, Nike and Jordan began his career
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加速器中粒子从真空系统通过引出窗进入加速器外部空间。3 MeV质子加速器使用Kapton膜作引出窗口。采用蒙特卡罗方法模拟计算了3 MeV质子在不同厚度Kapton膜内的能量损失,并