Inhibition of cerebral ischemia/reperfusion injury-induced apoptosis:nicotilforin and JAK2/STAT3 pat

来源 :中国神经再生研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjgzhufu
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Nicotilforin is a lfavonoid extracted from Carthamus tinctorius. Previous studies have shown its cerebral protective effect, but the mecha-nism is undeifned. In this study, we aimed to determine whether nicotilforin protects against cerebral ischemia/reperfusion injury-induced apoptosis through the JAK2/STAT3 pathway. hTe cerebral ischemia/reperfusion injury model was established by middle cerebral artery occlusion/reperfusion. Nicotilforin (10 mg/kg) was administered by tail vein injection. Cell apoptosis in the ischemic cerebral cortex was examined by hematoxylin-eosin staining and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling assay. Bcl-2 and Bax expres-sion levels in ischemic cerebral cortex were examined by immunohistochemial staining. Additionally, p-JAK2, p-STAT3, Bcl-2, Bax, and caspase-3 levels in ischemic cerebral cortex were examined by west blot assay. Nicotilforin altered the shape and structure of injured neurons, decreased the number of apoptotic cells, down-regulates expression of p-JAK2, p-STAT3, caspase-3, and Bax, decreased Bax immunoredactivity, and increased Bcl-2 protein expression and immunoreactivity. hTese results suggest that nicotilforin protects against cerebral ischemia/reperfusion injury-induced apoptosis via the JAK2/STAT3 pathway.
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