
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lin_yuqi
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Naturally acquired anthrax infection remains an important public- health problem in developing countries. Turkey is one of the countries in which the zoonotic form of anthrax may still be encountered. The most frequent portal of entry for anthrax spores is the skin. Although cutaneous anthrax is usually self- limiting, complications may arise in untreated cases. Underlying systemic disorders such as diabetes mellitus may confound the clinical picture and lead to atypical presentations. We present an unusually extensive case of cutaneous anthrax in a patient with newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus. Naturally acquired anthrax infection remains an important public- health problem in developing countries. Turkey is one of the countries in which the zoonotic form of anthrax may still be encountered. The most frequent portal of entry for anthrax spores is the skin. usually self limiting, complications may arise in untreated cases. Underlying systemic disorders such as diabetes mellitus may confound the clinical picture and lead to atypical presentations. We present an unusually extensive case of cutaneous anthrax in a patient with newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus.
仙到玉屏留故調, 客从海外訪知音。——佚名 1956华夏,天气异常炎热,晴空万里无云,灼热的太阳烘烤着大地,人們仿佛置身于蒸笼里一般。这时貴州全省文艺观摩会演正在貴阳市人
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2003年1月6日,由武汉大学和中国工程院土木水利与建筑工程学部联合组织的“南水北调关键工程技术问题高级论坛暨高级研讨班”在武汉举行(图①②)。 On January 6, 2003, “
辅助生殖技术(assisted reproductive technology, ART)是采用医学技术手段使不孕不育夫妇获得妊娠一系列技术的统称,与自然妊娠相比,在体内、体外环境等有所不同,配子及早期胚胎遭受医源性应激,致子代健康风险增加。目前普遍认为ART与配子及早期胚胎印记基因印迹改变相关,进而影响子代出生后远期健康。本文就ART对印记基因的影响进行综述,分别从配子、植入前胚胎、胎盘等方面进
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