患者女,49岁。1964年初发现四肢无力。1965年2月症状渐加重且伴有心慌气短、进食呛咳,注射新斯的明后症状明显好转。诊断为重症肌无力收入院。胸片显示胸骨柄后有3×4 cm大小类圆形阴影。密度较淡但均匀一致,考虑为胸腺瘤。在60天内胸前区接受深部X线空气量2350伦琴,因出现肠梗阻停止放疗。照射后胸片复查显示胸骨后影象显著变淡,边缘轮廓未见明显改变。1985年8月出院。门诊一直服用新斯的明,症状时好时坏。1966年10月开胸探查,术中发现胸腺左上方有一光滑、质硬肿物,肿物与胸腺一并
Female patient, 49 years old. In early 1964, limb weakness was found. In February of 1965, the symptoms worsened with palpitation and shortness of breath, eating cough, and the symptoms after injection of neostigmine were significantly improved. The diagnosis was myasthenia gravis. The chest radiograph shows a round shadow of 3 x 4 cm behind the sternal stem. The density is light but uniform, considering thymoma. Within 60 days, the chest area received 2350 roentgens of deep X-rays, and radiotherapy was stopped due to intestinal obstruction. After chest X-ray examination, the chest sternal image was significantly lighter and no obvious changes in the contour of the rim were observed. It was discharged in August 1985. Outpatients have been taking neostigmine for a long time. Opened in October 1966 and discovered a smooth, hard mass on the upper left side of the thymus during surgery. The tumor was combined with the thymus gland.