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1996年11月6日,美国总统克林顿在一场主要集中于纳税、就业和总统道德问题的竞选中击败共和党候选人鲍勃·多尔,获得连任。由于选民并未重视多尔和改革党候选人佩罗就总统的品质问题所提出的质疑,美国强 On November 6, 1996, U.S. President Bill Clinton defeated Republican candidate Bob Dore in a campaign focused mainly on taxation, employment, and presidential ethics, and was reelected. Because the voters did not attach importance to the question raised by Dole and Reform Party candidate Pero on the quality of the President, the United States has
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Dialogue A(A=The Foreman;B=The Chief Officer)工头大副B:When will you begin discharging?你们什么时候开始卸货?A:We’ll start at eight this morning.我们今天上午8
Dialogue A(A=The Immigration Officer;移民局官员;B=The captain;船长;)A:Good morning,Captain. I’m from the Immigration Office.船长,早晨好。我从移民局来。B:Good
“I am an addict of thelights. I love thepower of being infront of people.When I go on stage, myblood runs faster, I feelyounger my whole bodytingles. says Jul
在《大学英语》精读Ⅰ,Unit 2的课文中出现的“the native boy”,很多学生把它译成“本地的男孩”,这是由于对 boy 一词的用法理解不够。现将其用法大体归纳如下:1.指“男孩
It was Sunday morning.Mary Bruce was looking out of the win-dow of her flat. In the distance she could see the trees in the park. Ithad been freezing for sever
笔者在本文中介绍十种有关“吃”的特殊表示法:一、touch 常用于否定句中表示“吃”或“喝”。如:He hasn’t touched food for days.他有些日子没吃东西了。二、manage 与