China, ASEAN Celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Dialogue Relations

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  Chinese Ambassador to ASEAN Xu Bu has said China and ASEAN will achieve broader and deeper cooperation as they have entered the “diamond decade” of their relations. Speaking in a seminar, which marks the 25th anniversary of China-ASEAN Dialogue Relations, in Semarang, Central Java in June 2016, Xu Bu said ASEAN stood out in its neighboring region as the priority of China’s diplomacy.
  Xu Bu said 2016 was the year, which marked the opening of the ASEAN Community, the starting of China’s 13th Five-Year Plan and the 25th anniversary of China-ASEAN Dialogue Relations. “If the first 10 years were seen as the ‘golden decade’ for China-ASEAN relations, just as Chinese Premier Li Keqiang put it, we have now ushered in a new era for China-ASEAN relations, the ‘diamond decade’, which boasts broader and deeper cooperation,” the ambassador said in his remarks during the seminar. Several experts from China and ASEAN member countries attended the event, where they discussed various issues.
  China and ASEAN established the Strategic Partnership for Peace and Prosperity in October 2003. Xu Bu explained that since the launch of their dialogue relations 25 years ago, China and ASEAN had made great achievements in practical cooperation across all fields. In 2015, China-ASEAN trade aggregate topped US$ 472 billion, China-ASEAN two-way investment amounted to more than US$ 156 billion, substantially increased people-to-people relations and there were more than 180,000 exchange students sent by both China and ASEAN countries, he added.
  Xu Bu said China had been ASEAN’s biggest trading partner for seven consecutive years, while ASEAN ranked as China’s third largest trading partner for four consecutive years. Every week, he further said, there were more than 1,000 flights shuttling between China and ASEAN countries.
  “Closer economic ties, greater financing links and richer people-to-people exchanges between China and ASEAN bond our destinies much tighter than ever before,” the ambassador said. He went on to say that the building of the ASEAN Community had provided a fresh opportunity to further deepen China-ASEAN economic cooperation and trade. “The liberalization and facilitation of trade in goods and services and investment in our region have reached a new stage. In terms of trade in goods, ASEAN has generally achieved free movement of goods within the region. ASEAN consumers are enjoying a wide range of choices in both quality and price of products.”   Since adopting a package of policies in 1995 on liberalization of trade in services, ASEAN has formulated nine relevant policy sets under an ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services, which has helped enhance institutional transparency and market penetration rates.
  “The employment conditions for doctors, architects, tour guides and other professionals have also been greatly improved. In terms of investment, the implementation of the ASEAN Comprehensive Investment Agreement has effectively given rise to freer intra-regional movement of capital and a better business-friendly environment,” Xu Bu said. He said the building of the ASEAN Community had injected vitality into the upgrading of the China-ASEAN free trade Area. “The protocol pronouncing the full conclusion of China-ASEAN negotiations on upgrading our FTA was signed in November last year, and it will take effect in the coming July. Broader markets, more convenient terms of trade and a better investment environment in ASEAN will help achieve a speedy and steady upgrading of the China-ASEAN FTA,” he added.
  Xu Bu said the building of the ASEAN Community also facilitated the negotiation process of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), which was currently at a crucial stage. “China fully respects ASEAN centrality in the negotiation process and stands ready to work together with ASEAN toward the early conclusion of negotiations within this year in the spirit of minimizing differences and maximizing convergences,” said the ambassador.
  He further said China was also willing to join hands with ASEAN to accelerate bilateral and multilateral trade negotiations and create a favorable trade and investment environment, so as to increase the China-ASEAN trade volume to US$ 1 trillion and two-way investment to US$ 150 billion by 2020.
  On the implementation of the ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint 2025, Xu Bu said, China would help ASEAN countries with infrastructure development, industrialization and industrial upgrading. “We will also strive to speed up the construction of the China-Laos railway, China-Thailand railway and Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway projects and promote the construction of a Trans-Asian railway network, so as to level up the connectivity and promote trade and personnel exchanges in this region,” Xu Bu said.
  Meanwhile, Rokhmin Dahuri, professor in Coastal and Ocean Management, from the Bogor Institute of Agriculture (IPB), said a stable and peaceful Asian region was highly important and needed not only for nations within this region, but also for the international community as a whole.   “Despite a remarkable progress in economic development achieved by both China and ASEAN countries in the last two decades, except for Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, and to some extent Malaysia, the remaining seven ASEAN countries and also China are still confronted with high unemployment, poverty, health and sanitary problems,” said Rokhmin, who is also President of the Indonesia Aquaculture Society.
  Rokhmin explained that based on gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, only Singapore and Brunei Darussalam had achieved a status as a high-income country as their GDP per capita was higher than US$ 11,750. Meanwhile, on the basis of GDP per capita and technological capacity, it was only Singapore that had achieved a developed country status since 2010.
  “In other words, China and eight ASEAN nations have a long way to go to materialize the dream of every nation on Earth [in wanting] to be a developed and prosperous country. It is therefore compulsory for China and ASEAN member countries to have a stable region and peaceful global social-political environment,” said Rokhmin.
  “Without regional stability and peace, investment and trade among nations would be hampered. And, this situation will in turn reduce economic growth, employment creation, and prosperity of people in the region,” he went on.
  Rokhmin said the world’s community needed mutual, peaceful, productive, and sustainable China-ASEAN relations because since the Global Financial Crisis in 2008, China and ASEAN countries had been the growth engine of the global economy.
  “China and ASEAN combined is economically the most dynamic region in the world whose growth rate is three to four times higher than that of developed countries such as the US, Canada, EU, and Australia,” said the former fisheries and maritime affairs minister.
10月19日,第九届联合国世界旅游组织/亚太旅游协会旅游趋势与展望国际论坛召开“桂林72小时过境免签政策推荐会”。按照政策,72小时过境免签实施后,来自奥地利等51个国家的公民持有效国际旅行证件和72小时内已确定日期、座位的联程机票或相关证明,过境桂林口岸前往第三国(地区),可免办签证在规定区域内停留不超过72小时。  此外,桂林还享有对东盟10国旅游团在桂林两江机场口岸入境免签证停留6天的便利政
10月21日,新加坡旅游局宣布与阿里旅行、蚂蜂窝、大众点评网、途牛旅行网以及百度直达号等多家中国在线服务商合作,并上线了全新升级的微信官方账号和百度直达号,为中国国内游客打造最为贴心和全面的移动旅行体验。新加坡旅游业界人士普遍看好这一合作,并认为“贴心旅游体验”已成为新加坡与中国开展旅游合作的主旋律。  新加坡旅游局大中华区首席代表兼署长周振兴:新加坡旅游局选择与上述5家服务商合作,因为它们都能够
10月7日,新加坡和马来西亚政府就新隆高铁计划联合发出信息征询书,以评估及探询市场对这项计划的兴趣和意见,这也标志着这项备受瞩目的跨边界计划迈入了新的里程碑。  新加坡基础建设统筹部长兼交通部长许文远:新隆高铁将全面改变新马两国及人民之间的互动格局,是两国最重要的双边合作计划,将成为区域合作的典范。这项计划将带来巨大的发展潜能,催化经济增长,开启全新的合作机遇,并改变两国人民和商家互动的方式。由于
马来西亚《光华日报》8月4日发表题为《发挥优势与“一带一路”接轨》的评论员文章,文章摘编如下:  对于中国国家主席习近平提出的“一带一路”宏图大计,马来西亚是展开双臂大力欢迎的,因为在全球经济展望不明朗,以及欧美国家经济疲弱的时候,中国愿意将资本以及产能输出,无疑将对世界经济带来振兴的作用。  所以,不论在政治或是经济上,都与中国建立起良好关系的马来西亚非常看好“一带一路”,并将根据“一带一路”宏
10月16日,马来西亚中国银行帮助客户东泰期货公司成功完成首笔人民币保证金的结算工作,该笔保证金也成为马来西亚衍生品交易所接受的首笔人民币交易保证金。  马来西亚中国银行于2015年4月正式被马来西亚衍生品交易所接纳为结算会员银行,是唯一一家可以办理全部9个保证金货币的结算会员银行。中国银行副行长朱鹤新表示,马来西亚是“一带一路”沿线重要的大宗商品出口国,中行直接参与马来西亚衍生品市场的交易,将极
偌大的中国钦州坭兴陶产业园内,张传仪对展览馆内300多件中国坭兴陶经典尚品如数家珍,不时为记者指点。“中国丹青浓淡转轴的笔锋与细腻的坭兴素胚融合,完美诠释了陶器的艺术。”  这些展品大部分来自张传仪任秘书长的钦州坭兴陶行业协会,是从中国各地坭兴陶收藏家的藏品中精选而出。藏品自唐宋到现代具齐,完好地展现了坭兴陶工艺发展的历史轨迹。  坐落于中国西南的滨海城市钦州,素有“中国坭兴陶之都”美誉。坭兴陶为
10月22日,银联国际与中国银行新加坡分行共同宣布,发行当地首张银联白金借记卡(卡号以62开头),进一步丰富新加坡市场的银联卡产品体系。  该银联白金借记卡是人民币、新加坡元双币种国际支付卡,可在包括新加坡在内的全球150多个国家和地区的银联受理网络使用。