Interval Estimation for Aggregate Queries on Incomplete Data

来源 :计算机科学技术学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sddhyyj
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Incomplete data has been a longstanding issue in the database community, and the subject is yet poorly handled by both theories and practices. One common way to cope with missing values is to complete their imputation (filling in) as a preprocessing step before analyses. Unfortunately, not a single imputation method could impute all missing values correctly in all cases. Users could hardly trust the query result on such complete data without any confidence guarantee. In this paper, we propose to directly estimate the aggregate query result on incomplete data, rather than to impute the missing values. An interval estimation, composed of the upper and the lower bound of aggregate query results among all possible interpretations of missing values, is presented to the end users. The ground-truth aggregate result is guaranteed to be among the interval. We believe that decision support applications could benefit significantly from the estimation, since they can tolerate inexact answers, as long as there are clearly defined semantics and guarantees associated with the results. Our main techniques are parameter-free and do not assume prior knowledge about the distribution and missingness mechanisms. Experimental results are consistent with the theoretical results and suggest that the estimation is invaluable to better assess the results of aggregate queries on incomplete data.
本文对3 4例40个卵巢囊肿进行了CT引导下的穿刺注入硬化剂治疗,并进行了追踪观察随访其结果满意。现报告如下。1 资料与方法1.1 一般资料 本组3 4例,年龄18~5 7岁,平均2 9
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