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燕郊,自古为京都重镇,因春秋战国时期地处燕国都城(今北京)城郊而得名。清朝康熙年间曾在此建造行宫,为清历代帝后出巡拜谒东陵驻跸之所,素有“天子脚下,御驾行宫”之美称。千年古镇,几度兴衰,而房地产的崛起再一次把燕郊拉回北京人的视野。由于北京城区房价不断飙升,众多小白领选择在这个与北京一河之隔,距北京市中心天安门仅30多公里 Yanjiao, ancient city of Kyoto, because the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period is located in Yan capital (now Beijing) named after the suburbs. During the reign of Emperor Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty, a palace was built here. After the emperors of the Qing Dynasty emigrated to visit the site of the Eastern Tomb in Tang Dynasty, they were known as “the emperor’s palace at the feet of emperor and son”. Thousands of years old town, rise and fall several times, and the rise of real estate Yanjiao once again pull back to Beijing’s vision. Due to rising house prices in Beijing, many small white-collar workers choose this one separated from Beijing by a river, just over 30 kilometers away from Beijing’s Tiananmen Square
该文介绍了在VAX-11 DATATRIEVE管理VAX-11 RMS的基础上开发的工程数据管理系统EDRMS的设计实现,简单说明系统中各模式块的功能。