High speed and wide temperature range uncooled 1.3-μm ridge waveguide DFB lasers

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xifeng125
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A 1.3-μm wavelength vertical-mesa ridge waveguide mulitple-quantum-well (MQW) distributed feedback(DFB) laser with high directly modulated bandwidth and wide operation temperature range is reported.With the optimization of the strained-layer MQWs in the active region, the surrounding graded-indexseparated-confinement-heterostructure waveguide layers, together with the optimization of the detuningand coupling coefficient of the DFB grating, high directly modulation bandwidth of 16 GHz at roomtemperature and wide working temperature range from -40 to 85 ℃ are obtained. The mean time tofailure (MTTF) is estimated to be over 2×10~6 h. The device is suitable as light source of high-bit-rateoptical transmitters with small size and reduced cost. A 1.3-μm wavelength vertical-mesa ridge waveguide mulitple-quantum-well (MQW) distributed feedback (DFB) laser with high directly modulated bandwidth and wide operation temperature range is reported .With the optimization of the strained-layer MQWs in the active region , the surrounding graded-indexseparated-confinement-heterostructure waveguide layers, together with the optimization of the detuning and coupling coefficient of the DFB grating, high directly modulation bandwidth of 16 GHz at roomtemperature and wide working temperature range from -40 to 85 ° C. are obtained. The mean time tofailure (MTTF) is estimated to be over 2 × 10 ~ 6 h. The device is suitable as light source of high-bit-rate optical transmitters with small size and reduced cost.
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