The Implementation of Computer Data Processing Software for EAST NBI

来源 :Plasma Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:colinzeng76
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One of the most important project missions of neutral beam injectors is the implementation of 100 s neutral beam injection(NBI) with high power energy to the plasma of the EAST superconducting tokamak. Correspondingly, it’s necessary to construct a high-speed and reliable computer data processing system for processing experimental data, such as data acquisition, data compression and storage, data decompression and query, as well as data analysis.The implementation of computer data processing application software(CDPS) for EAST NBI is presented in this paper in terms of its functional structure and system realization. The set of software is programmed in C language and runs on Linux operating system based on TCP network protocol and multi-threading technology. The hardware mainly includes industrial control computer(IPC), data server, PXI DAQ cards and so on. Now this software has been applied to EAST NBI system, and experimental results show that the CDPS can serve EAST NBI very well. One of the most important missions missions of neutral beam injectors is the implementation of 100 s neutral beam injection (NBI) with high power energy to the plasma of the EAST superconducting tokamak. Correspondingly, it’s necessary to construct a high-speed and reliable computer data processing system for processing experimental data, such as data acquisition, data compression and storage, data decompression and query, as well as data analysis. The implementation of computer data processing application software (CDPS) for EAST NBI is presented in this paper in terms of The functional structure and system realization. The set of software is programmed in C language and runs on Linux operating system based on TCP network protocol and multi-threading technology. The hardware mainly includes industrial control computer (IPC), data server, PXI DAQ cards and so on. Now this software has been applied to EAST NBI system, and experimental results show that the CDPS can serve EAST NBI very well.
英国都铎王朝时期的君主制享有盛名。它不同于欧亚大陆和东方的绝对主义君主制。它处于英国封建制度日趋没落 ,资本主义迅速发展的历史过渡时期 ;社会经济呈现新的特点 ,政治