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一、加快立法建设。《公司法》的颁布,对方兴未艾的中国股份制发展起到了重要的推动作用。但仅凭《公司法》还不能涵盖整个中国的股份经济发展,对日益火爆的股票交易市场,对城镇、农村的股份合作制企业的迅猛发展,对完善股票市场信息披露等等,都急需专门法规来规定其主体行为。当前,应及时出台《证券法》解其燃眉之急,并利于《公司法》的较好贯彻。 二、加快试点。从历史角度观察,和前10年相比,股份制这两年有了长足的发展,但与客观要求相比,又显得不适应需要了。当前,强烈要求发展股份制民意指数的高比率应当引起有关部门的足够重视。为什么承包制几乎在一夜推广(不是试点),而股份制大面积试点的难度都很大?如果一味求稳,失去机遇,那么最终对发展中国社会王义市场经济是不利的。 First, speed up the legislative construction. The promulgation of the “Company Law” has played an important role in promoting the development of China’s shareholding system in the ascendant. However, the “Company Law” alone can not cover the development of the stock economy in China as a whole. It is in urgent need of specialization for the increasingly popular stock exchange market, the rapid development of joint-stock cooperative enterprises in urban and rural areas, and the improvement of information disclosure in the stock market Regulations to provide for its main behavior. At present, the timely introduction of “Securities Law” solves its immediate needs and facilitates the better implementation of the “Company Law.” Second, speed up the pilot. From a historical point of view, compared with the previous 10 years, the shareholding system has made great strides in the past two years, but compared with the objective requirements, it appears to be inadequate. At present, it is strongly demanded that the high rate of development of the index of shareholding public opinion should arouse sufficient attention from relevant departments. Why contracting is almost an overnight promotion (not a pilot project) and it is very difficult to conduct a large-scale pilot joint-stock system? If we blindly seek stability and lose the opportunity, then it ultimately will be detrimental to the development of a market economy in China.
Professeur de et non chercheur, Je n'ai pas de donner unpoint de l'Histoire de la , mais nous avons la mission de servirde relais entre la recherche et la na