Analyzing the Features of English Legal Text from Functional Grammar

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  Abstract:The multi-perspective study of texts is one of the oldest academic activities,which has resulted in such independent disciplines as rhetoric,literary criticism,poetics and stylistics.As a branch o f modern linguistics,discourse analysis also targets research efforts at texts and systemic and functional grammar proves a powerful tool of analysis in this respect.The analysis of a single text has been a tradition in the application o f systemic and functional grammar.This paper conforms to this tradition by analyzing the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions 2005 and comes to the conclusion that it deserves the features that the legal text should have.
  Key words:functional grammar,legal,features
  Michael Halliday’s functional grammar which has been developed for more than 40 years has become an effective method to analyze certain text.The system,especially the functional grammar stress the analysis of text(including speech and written)in practice,believing that the analysis has two aims:the first is to comprehend the text completely in a more scientific way;the second is to evaluate the text on the basis of comprehension appropriately.
  Ⅰ.Analyzing the Text from Functional Grammar
  Halliday believed that the text is the product of complex conception in the communicating environment.Grammatical analyzing should be the foundation of Text analyzing.Text analyzing has been a tradition for Functional Grammar for a long time.The general procedures of analyzing certain text with Functional Grammar is:first analyzing the mood;modality;theme and transitivity,secondly explaining and evaluating the particularity and the regularity of the text;last evaluating the whole text in the communicating environment.The process is contrast to the production of the text.Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural is a kind of typical legal document which takes effect all over the it will have the features of legal document.The paper analyzes it through applying the FG theory so that we could find out the language character of the legal document more scientifically.
  Ⅱ.The Features on the Aspect of Word Level
  In the FG theory,according to the rank scale,the unit expressing the meaning is divided into morphemes,words,groups and clauses.So the paper will analyze the legal document by beginning with words and morphemes.In this section the paper will use statistical data produced by AntConc procedures in counting the word to analyze the features of Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural.   Rank Word Frequency The form in the text Percentage
  1 the 666 the 620 The 46 8.25
  2 of 568 of 568 7.03
  3 and 539 and 536 AND 3 6.68
  4 to 283 to 283 3.51
  5 in 185 in178 In 7 2.29
  6 cultural 138 cultural114Cultural24 1.71
  7 be 124 is 32be 49 being7 are 30been 6 1.54
  8 shall 105 shall 101 should 4 1.30
  9 a 90 a 90 1.11
  Fig 1.1 word frequency in legal document
  We could find some features of legal document through analyzing the data in Fig 1.1 from the word and morpheme levels.First the frequency of the word “and” is 539 taking up 6.68 percent of the total number of the text,which indicates that there are lots of complex clauses in it.About this point,we could find out the result by means of the procedure of Lexical Density.Second the frequencies of the word “be” and “to” are 124 and 283 respectively.Both of them are usually used as infinite signs.About “to”,it occurs 283 times in the text totally,only 27 times it served as prepositions,and 256 times it served as the signs of infinitive form.About “be”,it appears 124 times but served as “is” 32 times and “are” 30 times which is finite,in the rest places it appears in the form of infinite such as “be” “being” “been”.According to the above analysis,the data indicates that in the text there are lots nonfinite expressions.According to Halliday’s Functional Grammar,the finite makes it possible to argue about the validity of the proposition.We can see the subject as fixed as long as the current proposition remains in play.through the finite,the speaker signals three basic kinds of claims about the validity of the proposition,each of which in principle is open to acceptance or rejection by the listener:whether the proposition is valid for the present time and actual situation or for other times past,future or for unreal situations(tense);whether the proposition is about positive or negative validity(polarity);to what extent the proposition is valid(modality).There is not tense modality and aspect in nonfinite form so the proposition which is expressed by using of nonfinite is determinate.The listener has no right to reject or argue the proposition expressed by nonfinite form.For example;
  Parties shall endeavor to create in their territory an environment which encourages individuals and social groups:
  (a)to create,produce,disseminate,distribute and have access to their own cultural expressions,paying due attention to the special circumstances and needs of women as well as various social groups,including persons belonging to minorities and indigenous peoples;   (b)to have access to diverse cultural expressions from within their territory as well as from other countries of the world.
  The aim of formulating the document is to let the party observe the Convention instead of negotiating or discussing over it.This kind of features of the text is exactly suited to the aim of the convention.For the content of the convention whether the party support or not,the only thing it could do is to observe.To discuss or to negotiate over the content of the content of the convention is beyond the parties’ hand.
  Secondly,another obvious features of the convention indicated in the figure 1.1 is the frequency of word “shall”.it occurs 105 times in the convention 101 times in the form of “shall” and 4 times in the form of “should” here I think “should” is the variety of “shall”.“Shall” means(in laws,directives,etc.)must;is or are obliged to.“Should” means must,ought to(be used to indicate duty,propriety,or expediency).This feature satisfies the needs of commanding the party.
  Lastly the number of words ended with “-tion”.There are 567 words ended with “-tion”.“-tion” is the sign of nominalization.Although there are some words ended with “-tion” is not nominalization.Most of the word ended with “-tion” is nominalization.The words ended with “-tion” have the features of noun.A noun typically refers to a “thing”,that is,something that exists.By “nouning” a process,writers can reflect the fact that they have negotiated and established the meaning of the clause cent red on the process- in other words,that meaning can now be treated as having existence,as a kind of abstract “thing”.The things that expressed by the verbs indicates that the process is negotiable and could be rejected.The things that expressed by the nominalization indicates that the things are fixed and could not be change.The expressing result just meets the convention needs.
  Fig 1.1 distribution of words ended with “-tion”
  The features on the aspect of sentence level
  Firstly,there are lots of complex clauses in the convention,besides every sentence has lots of words.For example the first sentence has 703 words.There are 8072 words and 156 sentences in the convention.It is necessary to introduce another conception “Lexical density” In computational linguistics,lexical density constitutes the estimated measure of content per functional(grammatical)and lexical units(lexemes)in total.It is used in discourse analysis as a descriptive parameter which varies with register and genre.Spoken texts tend to have a lower lexical density than written ones.The convention packing of a great deal of information into a single intricately constructed sequence in a way which signals that it has been produced with careful,conscious planning.   Conclusion
  Legal document as a kind of formal text needs to meet some special requirements such as accurate,clear and concise.The paper analyzes the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions 2005 by applying function grammar theory and the procedure of AntConc.The features are corresponding to special requirements of legal document.
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高中英语学习是家长、老师、学生的重点,而学生苦恼记不住单词、英语听力听不懂、跟不上节奏、阅读理解读不懂意思等等,家长着急但是无从着手,请了网络家教一对一在线辅导英语,而高中生学习英语不可能的从单词出发,就是英语语法解析等。  在高中阶段学习英语学生们都颇感吃力,学习英语主要有以下途径;  1.当我们知道字母ie或ei有时读[i:],但不清楚是写ie还是ei时,可记为:  凡发[i:],均先写i,后
【摘要】在聋校开展主体性学习是十分重要和紧迫的任务。聋校语文教学是聋生学习语言的主渠道。在聋校开展语文主体性学习,是优化学生学习方法,提高学生学习能力,发展学生个性,形成和发展聋生语言的最好的学习方式,是落实素质教育的必然要求。  【关键词】主体性教学;素质教育;发展学生的语言  在聋校开展主体性学习是十分重要和紧迫的任务。聋生听力障碍,给开展主体性学习带来了诸多不便。例如:语言贫乏、不会提问;不
【摘要】大学生核心价值观可以看作是社会主义荣辱观针对大学生所做出的提炼、浓缩和升华;可以通过优化培育环境,发挥大学政治理论课堂教学主阵地的作用,发挥心理教育的催化剂作用,来培育大学生核心价值观和社会主义荣辱观。  【关键词】大学生;核心价值观;社会主义荣辱观;心理学;分析  无论是社会主义荣辱观,还是当代大学生核心价值观,都明确了我国社会当前基本的价值取向和行为准则,体现了中华民族传统和改革开放的
每一个孩子的成长都需要不断地激励。激励就如冬日的一抹暖阳,能抚去学生心灵的阴霾,促使学生在自信、自尊、自强中慢慢地成长。激励却不是万能的。如果孩子们只生活在蜜罐中,少了严厉的惩罚,可想而知,他们就容易迷失方向。就如“没有爱就没有教育”一样,没有惩罚同样没有教育。那么,在当代该如何惩罚呢?本人结合多年的班主任工作,浅谈一下这方面的点滴体会。  一、罚中带教  老师要在公平合理的前提下,讲究艺术的方法
实施素质教育是培养全面发展的跨世纪人才的需要。实施素质教育已成为中小学教育教学改革的主旋律,而语文是实施素质教育的基础学科,语文课堂教学则是实施素质教育的主阵地,所以搞好语文课堂教学就显得愈来愈重要。那么,如何才能在语文课堂教学中实施素质教育呢?  一、语文教学应面向全体学生,突出学生的主体地位  语文课堂教学要实施素质教育,就要一改应试教育的弊端,这就要求老师在课堂上要尽可能地创设和谐的氛围,采
宋代理学名家周敦颐的《爱莲说》是家弦户诵的文学名篇。长久地入选中学语文教材。文章中塑造的“出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖,中通外直,不蔓不枝,香远益清,亭亭净植,可远观而不可亵玩焉”的莲花的高洁形象,已经成为国人心目中莲的固有意涵,成为高洁人格的固定象征,成为中华传统文学和文化中一朵经典的意象。然而,细究这篇文章里酿造的莲意,却是别有一番渊源和流变。本文拟浅说之。  一、莲意流变  中国古典文学关注描
【摘要】新课改的实施,需要我国基础教育进行较为全面的改革创新,并随着新课改实施的逐步深入不断改革和创新。作为地理教师在新课改教学实践过程中,我们要积极贯彻新课标的教学理念,探索新的教学模式,最大限度的使学生掌握地理知识,提高地理思维能力和独立汲取地理新知识的能力,教育教学质量有了明显的提高。  【关键词】新课改;初中地理教学;教学改革  义务教育阶段地理课程是学生认识地理环境,形成地理技能和可持续
【摘要】英语学习要及时复习。及时复习是防止遗忘的最有效的措拖。著名德国心理学家艾宾浩斯的遗忘曲线告诉人们,遗忘的进程是不均匀的,有先快后慢的特点,所以复习越早越好,并要适当循环。同时,在复习的过程中,同学们要将所学的知识按体系分类整理,形成模块,用法与例子结合,相得益彰。  【关键词】初中英语;教学;兴趣;策略  作为一名教师,在进入课堂教学之前,就要做好充分的、丰富的备课准备工作。这一堂课上的成