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在制造业企业中间投入“服务化”的趋势下,文章聚焦于考察“中国服务业(运输、电信、分销、金融)市场竞争”与“制造业企业全要素生产率”之间的相关性。研究结果显示:(1)中国服务市场上竞争的引入和增强,会基于“投入-产出”关系对制造业企业全要素生产率产生显著的提升作用。(2)大型制造业企业“服务内置化”现象严重,中小企业因对外部服务投入依赖更深,更易于从运输、电信及分销服务业市场竞争中获益;但另一方面由于大企业多聚集于资金密集型行业,且受制于中国金融产权改革滞后,国有企业尤其是大型国企是目前中国金融业竞争导向市场化改革的主要受益者。(3)受中国制造业企业地理集聚特征影响,提高中国电信和分销服务市场竞争,将更有利于劳动及技术密集型制造业集聚的东部地区企业提升其全要素生产率;而运输和金融服务市场竞争增强会更有利于资源依赖型制造业企业集聚的中西部地区。(4)运输、电信和分销市场竞争加剧,更有利于制造业内生产效率领先企业提升其全要素生产率,由于中国金融业仍属于国有控股体制,金融改革的效率红利更易被位于生产效率低端的国有企业所获得。该现象虽在一定程度上能为中国制造业行业内企业全要素生产率走向收敛提供一个技术性解释,但其本身也彰显出中国金融资源配置的低效率和实施金融产权改革的迫切性。 Under the trend of putting “service” into the midst of manufacturing enterprises, the article focuses on examining the market competition of China’s service industries (transportation, telecommunications, distribution and finance) and the total factor productivity of manufacturing enterprises Relevance between. The results show that: (1) The introduction and enhancement of competition in China’s service market will significantly enhance the TFP of manufacturing enterprises based on the relationship of “input-output”. (2) Large-scale manufacturing enterprises “service built-in ” is a serious phenomenon. SMEs are more dependent on external service inputs and more likely to benefit from competition in the transport, telecommunications and distribution services markets. On the other hand, large enterprises They are mostly concentrated in capital-intensive industries and are subject to the lag in the reform of China’s financial property rights. State-owned enterprises, especially large state-owned enterprises, are the major beneficiaries of the competition-oriented marketization reform in China’s financial sector. (3) Affected by the geographical agglomeration characteristics of China’s manufacturing enterprises and the increase of market competition in China’s telecommunications and distribution services, enterprises in the eastern region, which are more conducive to the concentration of labor and technology-intensive manufacturing industries, will be boosted in their total factor productivity; while the transportation and financial services markets Increased competition will be more conducive to resource-intensive manufacturing enterprises in the central and western regions. (4) intensified competition in the transport, telecom and distribution markets and more conducive to leading enterprises in manufacturing efficiency to enhance their total factor productivity. As China’s financial industry still belongs to the state-owned holding system, the efficiency bonus of financial reform is more likely to be located at the lower production efficiency Obtained by state-owned enterprises. Although this phenomenon can provide a technical explanation for the convergence of TFP in China’s manufacturing industry to some extent, it also shows the inefficiency of China’s financial resources allocation and the urgency of implementing the reform of financial property rights.