Study on Contact Fatigue Life and Failure Mechanism of Subquenched 42CrMo Steel

来源 :材料热处理学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:superheron
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The effect of undissolved ferrite amount in subcritically quenched 42CrMo steel on contact fatigue properties and failure mechanism were studied. The amount of undissolved ferrite in the steel were 0%,3%,10%,15% and 20% in volume fraction, respectively. The experimental results show that the existence of undissolved ferrite can increase the contact fatigue life The contact fatigue life can be prolonged with increasing the amounts of undissolved ferrite The grain size can be fined by using subcritical quenching process and the area of phase boundaries can also be greatly increased. The stress relaxation and grain refinement due to occurring of plastic deformation are main reasons for improving the fatigue life. The existence of undissolved ferrite can increase the crack initiation period. Under the experiment conditions, when the amount of undissolved ferrite is 10%, the longest contact fatigue life can be the obtained. The effect of undissolved ferrite amount in subcritically quenched 42CrMo steel on contact fatigue properties and failure mechanisms were studied. The amount of undissolved ferrite in the steel were 0%, 3%, 10%, 15% and 20% in volume fraction, respectively. The experimental results show that the existence of undissolved ferrite can increase the contact fatigue life The contact fatigue life can be prolonged with increasing the amounts of undissolved ferrite The grain size can be fined by using subcritical quenching process and the area of ​​phase boundaries can also be greatly increased. The stress relaxation and grain refinement due to occurred of plastic deformation are main reasons for improving the fatigue life. The existence of undissolved ferrite can increase the crack initiation period. Under the experiment conditions, when the amount of undissolved ferrite is 10% , the longest contact fatigue life can be the obtained.
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