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为了推广和发展民用型煤,节约煤炭,国务院环境保护委员会、国家计委、经委、财政部、物价局、物资局以(87)国环字第018号文联合发出了“关于颁发《关于发展民用型煤的暂行办法》的通知。”通知指出,根据各地推广民用型煤比烧散煤燃烧充分,热效率高,排放的有害气体是解决原煤散烧污染问题和提高热效率的有效途径。 In order to promote and develop civilian briquette and save coal, the State Council’s Environmental Protection Committee, the State Development Planning Commission, the Economic Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Price Bureau, and the Materials and Materials Bureau jointly issued the “About the Issuance of the Development of the (87) Guohuan Zi No. 018 Document. “Notice of Interim Measures for Civil Coal”. The notice pointed out that according to local promotion of civil coal, burning of bulk coal is more efficient than burning of bulk coal, and the thermal efficiency is high. The emission of harmful gases is an effective way to solve the burning problem of raw coal, and to improve thermal efficiency.
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分清价值工程与传统成本管理的区别,对于全面理解价值工程的实质、特点和方法.促进价值工 Distinguish the difference between value engineering and traditional cost m
浙江省永康市人武部党委从加强党委内部的思想政治建设入手,提高部机关干部队伍的整体系质,树立了人武部军事机关的良好形象。 位于浙江中部的永康市,经济发展较快素有“五
<正> 罗纳·普朗克是法国最大的化工集团,也是欧洲和世界化工巨头之一。1986年营业额达527亿法国法郎,净盈利连续3年超过20亿法国法郎。罗纳·普朗克化工集团在世界90多个国家中共雇有职工8.5万人。它之所以取得如此重大的成就,是依靠它设在世界各地的60多家贸易公司以及一些从事生产的企业。其中设在国外的主要大企业有: 设在巴西的罗地亚化工公司(RHODIA
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