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第一部分卫星及地面设施一、引言美国商务部担负着国家业务环境卫星系统建造和管理的责任,具体事项由国家海洋大气局下属机构——国家环境卫星署负责。业务卫星是在政府和工业界发展空间技术的基础上发展起来的。国家航空和航天局由商务部提供资金,研制和发射商务部规定的业务卫星。业务环境卫星系统的任务是: 1.白天和黑夜定时地提供地球及其环境的全球图象;在卫星无线电通信范围内,对当地的地面站提供所选择资料的直接读出。 2.获得整个地球环境要素的定量资料,如温度、湿度、辐射传递、风、太阳高能粒子通量,以用于数值分析和预报。 3.获得地球及其环境的近连续的观测资料,收集远距离观测平台(如浮标、船舶、自动 Part I Satellite and Ground Facilities I. INTRODUCTION The United States Department of Commerce is responsible for the construction and management of the National Business Environment Satellite System. The specific issues are the responsibility of the National Satellite Service of the State Environmental Agency, a subordinate agency of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Business satellites are developed on the basis of the development of space technology by governments and industry. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is funded by the Ministry of Commerce to develop and launch operational satellites under the Ministry of Commerce. The mission of the Operational Environment Satellite System is to provide a global image of the Earth and its environment on a day-to-day and a night-time basis and to provide direct reading of selected data to local earth stations within the scope of satellite radiocommunication. 2. Get quantitative data of the whole earth’s environmental elements, such as temperature, humidity, radiative transfer, wind, solar energy particle flux for numerical analysis and forecast. 3. Obtain near continuous observations of the Earth and its environment and collect long-range observation platforms (eg buoys, ships, automatic
On the basis of the data of 45 K-Ar ages in the Eastern Tianshan, Uygur AutonomousRegion of Xinjiang, China, and the geological environment, the following conc
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