教育部 国家语委关于表彰中国语言文字使用情况调查先进集体和先进个人的决定

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中国语言文字使用情况调查是1997年第134次国务院总理办公会议决定开展的一项国情调查。1998年以来,在教育部、国家语委的组织和领导下,在国家民委、公安部、民政部、财政部、农业部、文化部、广电总局、国家统计局、中国社会科学院的协同指导下,各地方语言文字工作部门和广大调查员以高度的事业心和责任感,奔赴城乡,进村入户,不辞辛劳, The investigation of the use of Chinese language and writing is a state survey conducted by the 134th meeting of the premier office of the State Council in 1997. Since 1998, under the organization and leadership of the Ministry of Education and the State Language Commission, they have provided guidance to the State Ethnic Affairs Commission, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Culture, the SARFT, the National Bureau of Statistics, and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Under the local language and language departments and the majority of investigators to a high degree of dedication and sense of responsibility, went to urban and rural areas, village home, tireless efforts,
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