【摘 要】
Zero growth of pesticide use is related to changing the mode of agricultural development and promoting agricultural modernization. It seems to be a mathematical problem, but the number of subtraction, but in fact is a systematic project involving multiple subjects, multiple program links, the need for product innovation, the need for technical guidance, the need to manage institutional innovation, etc., improve the supply Do plus footwork. In addition, the key is “last mile ”. Farmers are users of pesticides. The use of consumers and pesticides is closely related to their own interests. Therefore, farmers are the absolute protagonists of “zero growth” and are
[Objective] This experiment was conducted to compare the activity difference of digestive enzymes in Japanese eels Anguilla japonics and growth retarded eels un
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哥哥从小喜欢打拳,十七八岁时,哥哥总是模仿电影里英雄的样子,自己偷偷地练。哥哥练过铁砂掌,也就是两只手刷刷刷地往绿豆里插;也练过气功,一到后半夜就偷偷地爬起来打坐,一坐就是天亮……哥哥上班挣钱的第一件事,就是订阅了《武林》、《武魂》这些刊物,一直订阅到现在,如果把他这些年订的刊物堆成墙壁,我相信那个头一定比哥哥还要高。 我认识哥哥时,并没有如他所说起早贪晚地练武功。那时家里正在盖房子,他得天天起
Fish traps were investigated to understand the effects of season, bait type, trap size, and trap soak time on catch rates, catch composition, and trap loss rate
Turbot(Scophthalmus maximus L.) reddish body iridovirus(TRBIV) was propagated in turbot fin cells(TF cells) and inactivated as the TRBIV vaccine with its protec