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为了评价氟环唑在小麦生产上使用的残留安全性,建立了气相色谱-电子捕获检测器检测氟环唑在小麦植株、小麦籽粒及土壤中残留的分析方法,并对氟环唑在小麦植株、小麦籽粒和土壤中的最终残留量及小麦植株和土壤中的消解动态进行了研究。结果表明:在添加水平为0.01、0.1和2 mg/kg(小麦籽粒和土壤)和0.01、0.1和10 mg/kg(小麦植株)下,氟环唑的回收率为82%~93%,相对标准偏差为3.0%~9.7%。氟环唑在小麦植株、小麦籽粒和土壤中的定量限均为0.01 mg/kg。氟环唑在小麦植株和土壤中的消解半衰期分别为3.5~8.4和10~30 d。当以有效成分112.5 g/hm~2的剂量施药2次、采收间隔期为21 d时,小麦籽粒中氟环唑的残留量为<0.05 mg/kg,低于中国制定的小麦中氟环唑的最大残留限量值(0.05 mg/kg)。建议氟环唑在小麦上使用时最大剂量为有效成分112.5 g/hm~2,施药2次,安全间隔期为21 d。 In order to evaluate the residual safety of epoxiconazole in wheat production, an analytical method for the determination of residues of epoxiconazole in wheat plants, wheat seeds and soil by gas chromatography-electron capture detector was established. , Final residues in wheat kernels and soil, and digestion dynamics in wheat plants and soil were studied. The results showed that the recoveries of epoxiconazole were 82% -93% at the levels of 0.01, 0.1 and 2 mg / kg (wheat grain and soil) and 0.01, 0.1 and 10 mg / kg The standard deviation is 3.0% ~ 9.7%. The limit of quantification for epoxiconazole in wheat plants, wheat grains and soil was 0.01 mg / kg. The half-lives of epoxiconazole in wheat plants and soil were 3.5 ~ 8.4 and 10 ~ 30 d, respectively. The residue of epoxiconazole in wheat grain was less than 0.05 mg / kg when applied twice at the dose of 112.5 g / hm ~ 2 and the harvest interval was 21 d, which was lower than that of Chinese wheat The maximum residue limit for pyrazole (0.05 mg / kg). It is suggested that the maximum dose of epoxiconazole used in wheat should be 112.5 g / hm ~ 2, twice in 2 days, and the safety interval should be 21 days.
在反映现代生活的电影里,可以说几乎不可能看不到汽车。时至今日,它已经成为一种必不可少的“道具”。在一些充满曲折情节和惊险镜头的影片中,汽车更是大唱“主角”。例如,“强盗片”中汽车大盗出没无常,“警匪片”里飙车、撞车和汽车炸弹惊心动魄。人们通过看电影这一休闲方式,发现了汽车文化中更加丰富多彩的另一面。    电影与汽车合作的例子,在好莱坞拍摄的影片中可以说是不胜枚举。    《X战警2》:主角狼人驾
到底一个正职应该配备几个副职,还需要根据工作的性质和特点来决定,有的部门可能1正2副都偏多,有的则可能适当多些才更好 In the end a principal should be equipped with
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LQ—1600K打印机是最常用的针式打印机之一,本文介绍两例该打印机故障的维修方法,供大家参考。 故障现象之一:打印机打印几行后,字车只做往返运动而不打印。 分析与维修:LQ
The paper proposes reaction graphs as graphical representations of computational objects.A reaction graph is a directed graph with all its arrows and some of it