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血清学玻片凝集反应方法自从1962年Gehring和1965年Morton以及1977年Dickinson和Lucas分别展开了对青枯病(pseudomonas solanacearum)和柳树萎蔫病(Erwinia Salicis)鉴定以来,直到目前为止还只应用于这些病的鉴定。 本报告介绍的方法除了能用于青枯病鉴定之外还第一次成功地应用于水稻白叶枯病(Xanthomonas oryzae)和白菜软腐病(Erwinia Carotovora Var.carotovora)的鉴定。以植物病原细菌抗血清与其相对应的病株汁液进行玻片凝集反应试验,在10—20分钟内可以见到明显的凝集反应现象,而与非对应的病株汁液进行试验则没有反应,方法简单而准确,对于这些细菌病的快速鉴定是非常有用的。 玻片凝集反应试验虽然已在某些植物病毒病的田间鉴定中广泛应用,但在植物细菌病害方面的应用不多。早在六十年代,Morton、Gehring等用青枯菌抗血清与其相对应的病害汁液进行玻片凝集反应试验获得成功。但此法应用很少,发展很慢,直至七十年代除作物青枯病(Ps.Solanacearum)外还只有柳树萎蔫病(Erwinia Salicis)应用来进行快速鉴定。 由于细菌性病害的常规鉴定方法比较复杂,工作量较大,需要较长时间才能完成,既不能满足检疫工作的需要,也很不容易用来确诊在实验过程中出现的一些不典型症状的标样以及人工接种发“病”的大批? Serological Slides Agglutination Reaction Method Since Gehring 1965 and Morton 1965 and Dickinson and Lucas 1977 respectively the identification of bacterial wilt disease (pseudomonas solanacearum) and willow wilt disease (Erwinia salicis), so far only applied to The identification of these diseases. The method described in this report has been successfully applied to the identification of Xanthomonas oryzae and Erwinia carotovora Var. Carotovora for the first time in addition to the identification of bacterial wilt. With the phytopathogenic bacterial antisera and its corresponding strain juice slide agglutination reaction test, agglutination reaction can be seen within 10-20 minutes, but with the corresponding diseased juice did not test the reaction, the method Simple and accurate, the rapid identification of these bacterial diseases is very useful. Although the glass slide agglutination test has been widely used in the field identification of some plant virus diseases, it has not been widely used in plant bacterial diseases. As early as the sixties, Morton, Gehring and so on with R. solani antiserum and its corresponding juice juice slides agglutination test success. However, this method was rarely used and developed very slowly until the rapid identification of Erwinia salicis in the seventies except for P. solanacearum. As the routine identification of bacterial diseases is complicated and requires a long time to complete, it does not meet the needs of quarantine work and is not easy to be used to diagnose the symptoms of some atypical symptoms during the experiment Kind and artificial inoculation hair “disease” a large number of?
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