Immunohistochemical analysis of the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway in pancreatic neuroendocrine neo

来源 :World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cxddqqqqqq
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AIM: To investigate the role of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway in pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms(PanN ENs). METHODS: Tissue microarrays containing 88 PanN ENs were immunohistochemically labeled with antibodies to β-catenin, E-cadherin, adenomatous polyposis coli(APC), chromogranin and synaptophysin. One case had only metastatic tumors resected, whereas others(n = 87) received pancreatectomy with or without partial hepatectomy. Pathology slides, demographic, clinicopathologic, and follow up data were reviewed. Patients’ demographics, clinicopathologic features, and immunohistochemical results from 87 primary tumors were compared between patients with low stage(stage Ⅰ/Ⅱ) and high stage(stage Ⅲ/Ⅳ) tumors. In addition, correlation of immunohistochemical results from primary tumors with disease-specific survival(DSS) was evaluated. RESULTS: Strong membranous β-catenin staining in the primary tumor was observed in all 13 stage Ⅲ/Ⅳ Pan NENs as compared to 47%(35/74) of stage Ⅰ/Ⅱtumors(P < 0.01). However, the strong membranous β-catenin staining was unassociated with tumor grade or DSS. Decreased membranous β-catenin staining was associated with decreased membranous E-cadherin labeling. Nuclear β-catenin staining was seen in 15%(2/13) of stage Ⅲ/Ⅳ Pan NENs as compared to 0%(0/74) of stage Ⅰ/Ⅱ tumors(P = 0.02). The case with metastasectomy only also showed nuclear β-catenin staining. Two of the three cases with nuclear β-catenin staining were familial adenomatous polyposis(FAP) patients. Lack of APC expression was seen in 70%(57/81) of the cases, including the 3 cases with nuclear β-catenin staining. Expression of E-cadherin and APC in primary tumor was not correlated with tumor grade, tumor stage, or disease specific survival. CONCLUSION: The Wnt/β-catenin pathway was altered in some PanN ENs, but did not Impact DSS. PanN ENs in FAP patients demonstrated nuclear β-catenin accumulation and loss of APC. AIM: To investigate the role of the Wnt / β-catenin pathway in pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms (PanN ENs). METHODS: Tissue microarrays containing 88 PanN ENs were immunohistochemically labeled with antibodies to β- catenin, E-cadherin, ), chromogranin and synaptophysin. One case had only metastatic tumors resected, patients others (n = 87) received pancreatectomy with or without partial hepatectomy. Pathology slides, demographic, clinicopathologic, and follow up data were reviewed. Patients’ demographics, clinicopathologic features, and immunohistochemical results from 87 primary tumors were compared between patients with low stage (stage I / II) and high stage (stage III / IV) tumors. In addition, correlation of immunohistochemical results from primary tumors with disease-specific survival (DSS) was evaluated. RESULTS: Strong membranous staining of the primary tumor was observed in all 13 stage III / IV Pan NENs as compared to 47% (35/74) of stage / Ttumors (P <0.01). However, the strong membranous staining was unassociated with tumor grade or DSS. Decreased membranous β-catenin staining was associated with decreased membranous E-cadherin labeling. Nuclear β-catenin staining was seen in 15 % (2/13) of stage Ⅲ / Ⅳ Pan NENs as compared to 0% (0/74) of stage Ⅰ / Ⅱ tumors (P = 0.02). The case with metastasectomy also showed nuclear β-catenin staining. Two of the three cases with nuclear β-catenin staining were familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) patients. Lack of APC expression was seen in 70% (57/81) of the cases, including the 3 cases with nuclear β-catenin staining. Expression of E CONCLUSION: The Wnt / β-catenin pathway was altered in some PanN ENs, but did not Impact DSS. PanN ENs in FAP Precursors nuclear β-catenin accumulation and loss of APC.
摘 要:市场营销是一门实战性比较强的专业,其教学中除了要求掌握相关的营销知识以外,还应该掌握适应市场变化的一般规律,而通过案例的归纳分析可以培养学生的市场洞悉能力。因此,在市场营销中运用案例教学非常重要。本文从案例教学法的必要性出发,分析了案例教学法的实施过程和具体应用,以及相关的注意事项,从案例教学法中激发学生学习市场营销课程的兴趣,培养学生分析问题的能力和创新能力的培养,从而提高教学质量,达到
摘 要:校园霸凌问题已经成为当前中国教育界不可忽视的一个重要问题。校园霸凌的存在不仅不利于教育的本质意义,而且对校园安全危害很深。小学的孩子们正值花季,杜绝校园霸凌,建设文明和谐的校园具有重大社会意义。  关键词:校园霸凌;霸凌定义;德育;策略  一、 校园霸凌的界定及特征  近年来,校园霸凌事件的频发不仅威胁着校园的安全,也屡屡挑战着社会的神经。正确认识霸凌,了解霸凌行为发生的各种特征,才能正确
摘 要:考试对学生来讲非常重要,做好试卷讲评,利用好正答率的数据分析,能让学生的问题充分暴露,节省课上有效时间,提高备考效率。本文以第六次模拟考试为例,通过分析数据,得出结论,并针对学生考试中出现的问题,制定了分题型的讲评策略,帮助学生最大限度提高成绩。  关键词:正答率;试卷讲评;策略  5月是高三的考试月,考试的作用对于学生的重要性是众所周知的,模拟的心态,从很大程度上决定了学生是否能在高考中
目的:  明确辅助放疗在食管癌根治术后III期或淋巴结阳性食管癌治疗中的作用,寻找术后放疗的最佳介入时间,并对相关预后因素进行分析,为食管癌的临床治疗提供参考和依据。  
摘 要:本文在研究中以高中通用技术教学为核心,分析高中通用技术教学在实施中存在的问题,并提出针对性解决措施,构建完善通用技术教学体系,提高教学水平和教学质量,并为相关研究人员提供一定的借鉴和帮助。  关键词:高中;通用技术教学;教学效率;学习效率  通用技术作为普通高中课程方案中的新设科目,课程资源建设和相关设备尚未完善,这就凸显出教师实际教学的重要性。但就目前而言,由于教学经验和教学理论还在基础
摘 要:小学教育是影响学生未来能否成材的重要阶段学习,这个阶段的学习需要小学校园内部完善的管理制度与高质量的管理工作保驾护航。在教育领域各个环节都在推行核心素养与教育改革的今天,小学管理工作也应当做出一定改进,并找出其中适应学生发展的创新管理方法,保证学生能健康快乐的成长。  关键词:小学;管理工作;创新方法  小学阶段是学生学习的起点,它对于小学生未来思维方式、行为模式的形成起着至关重要的作用。
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