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10月15日,习近平总书记在文艺工作者座谈会上的讲话,是总书记对文化艺术界做的一次总动员。这次讲话拓清了我们争论一段时间的迷惑,明确了文化艺术的使命,凝聚了我们中国文化艺术界的力量。——彭兴业2014年10月15日,习近平总书记在京主持召开了文艺工作者座谈会,并发表了重要讲话。有人统计,在整个会议期间,总书记讲了近两个小时,其中包括他的主题发言以及与文艺工作者的对话交流。他提出,“文艺不能在市场经 On October 15, General Secretary Xi Jinping’s speech at the forum for literary and art workers was a general mobilization made by the general secretary to the cultural and art circles. This speech has cleared up the confusion we have been debating over a period of time, defined the mission of culture and the arts, and brought together the strength of our Chinese culture and arts community. - Peng Xingye On October 15, 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping hosted a forum for literary and art workers in Beijing and delivered an important speech. Statistics show that during the entire meeting, the general secretary spoke for nearly two hours, including his keynote speech and dialogues with literary and artistes. He proposed, ”literature and art can not be in the market by
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