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问:为什么波尔多液在露水未干前使用会发生药害? 答:发生药害的原因是多方面的。如林木品种不一样、药剂浓度过高、施药不均匀等均可造成药害。而在露水未干前施药,林木叶面上发生了化学变化,增加了可溶性铜的量,超过了林木对铜所能忍受的最大限度,因而会发生药害。问:怎样才能避免这种药害呢? 答:使用此药时,如浓度过高,林木叶面浓度过大或者有的林木对药剂很敏感等都容易发生药害,因此在使用时必须注意以下一些问题。 1、林木在不同的生长期要使用不同浓度的药液。在幼苗期应使用浓度较低的药液;到了生长后期,药液的浓度可以提高些。 2、要按不同的林木品种控制使用施药浓度。如葡萄、柑桔等对波尔多液有较强的抗药力,但苹果、梨特别是苹果、梨中的薄皮品种和桃、李等则抗药力较弱,易发生药害。前者的施药浓度可高些;后者如果需要施药,除应增加生石灰的用量外,同时还要降低使用浓度。 3、气候过分潮湿,要避免使用波尔多液。 Q: Why Bordeaux mixture in the dew did not dry before the occurrence of phytotoxicity? A: There are many reasons for the occurrence of injury. If the forest is not the same species, drug concentration is too high, uneven application can cause injury. In the dew did not dry before the application of chemical changes in the leaves of trees, increasing the amount of soluble copper, exceeding the maximum limit of forest can bear on copper, and thus phytotoxicity occurs. Q: How to avoid this kind of injury? A: The use of this medicine, such as the concentration is too high, the concentration of forest foliage is too large or some trees are sensitive to pharmaceuticals and so are prone to injury, so be careful when using Some questions below 1, trees in different growth stages to use different concentrations of liquid. In the seedling stage should use a lower concentration of liquid; to the late growth stage, the liquid concentration can be increased. 2, according to different varieties of forest control the use of drug concentration. Such as grapes, citrus and other Bordeaux mixture has strong resistance, but apples, pears, especially apples, pears and thin varieties of peach, plum and other resistance is weak, prone to injury. The former can be higher drug concentration; the latter if the need for pesticides, in addition to increasing the amount of quicklime, but also reduce the use of concentration. 3, the climate is too humid, to avoid using Bordeaux mixture.
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