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一场突如其来的医疗事故打破了原本幸福的家庭,男主人郝高衡决定给孩子讨个说法。历经8年上访,10年诉讼后,案子依然看不到尽头。10年后,妻离子散,家庭举债数十万元……郝高衡说这是一个悲剧。 A sudden medical accident broke the original happy family, the husband Hao Gaocheng decided to discuss with the children. After eight years of petitions and 10 years of litigation, the case still can not see the end. Ten years later, his wife and children were scattered and their families borrowed hundreds of thousands of dollars ... Hao said this is a tragedy.
Li Liyun,a 22-year-old who was in her ninth month of pregnancy,died of serious pneumonia at Chaoyang Hospital in west Beijing on November 21,after her husband r
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As a renewable energy,biofuel has attracted great attention in China and the rest of world.Concerned with the national food security,China recently has shifted
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收割机正常情况下都要通过汽车运输才能到达目的地,一旦运输途中出了事故,导致收割机受损,机主整个农忙季节都可能“打水漂”。那么,机主的利益损失该谁买单? Harvesters un
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