从工业制造到工业服务 未来行业比什么?

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暖通空调行业未来是什么样的?它是在现有行业基础上创新,还是站在用户需求的角度通盘考虑,从而取得突破性的发展。广大企业又该如何顺应行业发展趋势,抢占未来先机?当新能源、低碳经济风靡全球,暖通空调行业呈现出前所未有的创造活力。面对某一特定领域层出不穷的新技术、新产品,让人眼花缭乱,但我们还是要问:未来是什么?未来有无数种可能。对于暖通空调行业乃至对于整个传统制造业而言,未来最大的可能就是从“制造”向“服务”升级、转型。今天,暖通空调行业一些“实力派公司”已把系统解决方案放在一个很重要的位置,有的甚至作为主营项目。不少企业的系统集成方案做得非常优秀,并且已经应用到工程项目中。系统解决方案有很多好处,解决了单一产品相互衔接、安装不规范、售后服务多家共管等问题。不过,目前许多业内人士尤其是用户对系统解决方案还不甚了解,更不能判断其优势并作出理性选择。为此,本刊就开辟冷暖解决方案栏目及暖通空调行业一站式“解决方案”的发展趋势等问题听取了国内专家的意见,以飨读者。 What is the future of HVAC industry? It is based on the existing industry innovation, or from the perspective of user needs overall consideration, and thus achieve a breakthrough development. How should the majority of enterprises comply with industry trends, to seize the opportunities in the future? As new energy, low-carbon economy swept the world, HVAC industry has shown unprecedented vitality. Faced with an endless stream of new technologies and products in a given area, it is dazzling but we still have to ask: What is the future? There are countless possibilities in the future. For the HVAC industry and even the entire traditional manufacturing industry, the greatest possibility in the future is to upgrade and transform from “manufacturing” to “service”. Today, some HVAC industry “strength to send the company ” has put system solutions on a very important position, and some even as the main project. Many companies have done a very good system integration program, and has been applied to the project. System solutions have many benefits, to solve a single product interlinked, non-standard installation, after-sales service a number of issues such as co-management. However, at present, many people in the industry, especially users, do not know much about system solutions and can not judge their advantages and make rational choices. To this end, the magazine to open up the heating and cooling solutions section and HVAC industry one-stop “solution ” development trends and heard the advice of domestic experts to readers.
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