,Double-mismatched siRNAs enhance selective gene silencing of a mutant ALS-causing allele

来源 :中国药理学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fenglilong_liumang
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Aim: Our previous study demonstrated an siRNA-mediated, allele-specific silenc-ing of mutant genes that cause amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. To improve siRNA design for better therapeutic use of RNA interference, we systematically tested the base-pairing mismatch strategy in the design of asymmetric siRNA. Methods: A naturally symmetric siRNA that targets the human Cu Zn superoxide dismutase G85R mutant allele was modified by placing either 1 or 2 mismatches at the end of the siRNA from position 1 to 4 at each time. The target preference and silencing efficacy of modified siRNA were measured using a modified dual luciferase system. Results: The modification of single base-pairing mismatch successfully achieved the conversion of the siRNA that was originally favored to the antisense of the mutant allele to the one that was favored to the sense strand of the gene. Com-pared to the single-mismatched siRNA, those with double-mismatch at one end demonstrated an increased asymmetry, and thus, an enhanced specificity and efficacy of gene silencing. In addition, the siRNA with double-mismatch at both ends remained in symmetry. Conclusion: Our results suggest the effectiveness of converting a symmetric siRNA to an asymmetric one by introducing mismatches into its structure, and the superiority of double-mismatched siRNA to single-mismatched siRNA in producing selective gene silencing resulting from the dis-ruption of siRNA symmetry. The double-mismatch strategy is an improvement of the single-mismatch method and could be useful in the design of effective siRNAs for the treatment of diseases caused by dominant, gain-of-function gene mutations, such as ALS.
建平县太平庄乡五间房村张会云,1985年春种了2亩地膜甜菜,平均亩产达8,400斤,经测定其含糖量达15.8%,创造了全县甜菜单产的最高纪录.他的主要经验如下.选地覆膜 选3年未种过
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