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龙眼(又名桂圆)是亚热带、热带的重要栽培果树,桂圆干是我省中外驰名已久的珍贵特产。由于龙眼在8—9月的高温、高湿条件下成熟采收,果实水分多、糖分高,采后的生理、生化变化剧烈,不耐长期运输、贮藏。在室温(28℃左右)条件下,一般约一周左右则全部变质腐烂。因此,龙眼的鲜果销售期和地区受到很大限制,历来大多只能以罐藏和桂圆干远销国内外。为了适应今后内销外贸的需要,提高龙眼的商品价值,扩大鲜果销售期限和地区,进行龙眼的气调贮藏技术研究很有必要。目前,国内外关于龙眼的气调贮藏技术尚无系统深入研究,有关文献资料极少。我们为了探讨龙眼鲜果贮藏期限、贮藏过程果实性状变化,贮藏条件和技术方法,于1980年9月至10月在我院小型冷库进行试验。一、材料与方法供试的龙眼鲜果为本省泉州地区栽培最普遍的“福眼”品种,果大、汁多,糖酸含量较其他优良品种低,风味品质较差,不耐贮藏运输,一般用于焙制桂圆干。我们从泉 Longan (also known as longan) is a subtropical tropical important fruit tree cultivation, dried longan is well-known in our province for a long time the precious specialty. Longan in the 8-9 months of high temperature, high humidity conditions mature harvest, fruits and more water, high sugar, postharvest physiological and biochemical changes severe, impatient long-term transport and storage. At room temperature (about 28 ℃) conditions, the general deterioration of the decay about a week or so. Therefore, the sales of longan fruit and the area are subject to great restrictions, most of the time, most of them can only be sold in cans and dried longan at home and abroad. In order to meet the needs of domestic and foreign trade in the future, to improve the value of longan’s products, expand the sales period of fresh fruits and regions, conduct long-term adjustment of flavor storage technology is necessary. At present, there is no systematic and in-depth study on the modified atmosphere storage technology of longan both at home and abroad, and the literature is rare. In order to explore the shelf life of longan fresh fruit, fruit changes during storage, storage conditions and technical methods, in September 1980 to October in our hospital small cold storage test. First, the material and methods for the test Longan fresh fruit for the province of Quanzhou cultivation of the most common “Fu Yan” varieties, large fruit, juicy, sugar content lower than other good varieties, poor flavor quality, impatience storage and transportation, general Used for baking dried longan. We from the spring
抗菌肽(antimicrobial peptides,AMPs)是生物体经诱导产生的一类具有广谱抗菌活性和免疫调节活性的小分子多肽。如何提高抗菌肽对病原菌的靶向性,从而提高其抗菌效率,减少或
目的观察使用中的一种复合碘皮肤消毒剂染菌量及其有效碘含量变化,探讨启用后的有效期。方法对使用中的36瓶碘,在启用第3、5、7 d后运用倾注法监测消毒剂的染菌量并对有效碘