Interface stability in a capillary loop undergoing phase changes in non-gravitational conditions

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rambo0316
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A mathematical model based on the Lucas-Washburn equation has been developed to address the relationships between capillary height,capillary radius and heat flux in a capillary loop.The stability criteria at the interface are studied in detail by introducing a small perturbation to the interfaces of the capillary loop.The formulae deduced as a consequence are used to analyze the influence of height of the capillary wick and the stability in a capillary loop undergoing phase changes. A mathematical model based on the Lucas-Washburn equation has been developed to address the relationships between capillary height, capillary radius and heat flux in a capillary loop. The stability criteria at the interface are studied in detail by introducing a small perturbation to the interfaces of the capillary loop. The formula is deduced as a consequence are used to analyze the influence of height of the capillary wick and the stability in a capillary loop undergoing phase changes.
慢性肝炎是不同病因所引起的有明确临床和病理表现的综合征,其新的分类根据:①疾病的病因,②疾病的活动性(度),③疾病的阶段(期)。 病因主要根据血清学指标,而活动度和病程
高中数学必修一中把用二分法求方程的近似解作为一个理解考点,事实上还有很多实际应用,比如数学中的猜数游戏,也可以用二分法进行。  原理:27=128>100,猜100以内的正整数x最多只要七次,一定能猜中。  猜数的方法:1. 问x>26吧?是。2. x>26 25吧?是。3. x>26 25 21吧,是。4. 是x>99吧?是。5. x一定是100。  也可这样猜:1. 问x>26吧?是。2. x