不该逝去的生命 王利是一个内向而好强的小姑娘, 刚满14岁的她是山西潞城市申庄中学 初二年级在校学生。2001年6月14日, 王利和往常一样晚自习后和同学们一起 回到宿舍,同学们放下各自的学习用品 开始做就寝准备。王利早早洗漱后就上 床躺下,其他同学则在出出进进嬉戏逗 乐,突然,一声惊叫惊呆了宿舍里所有的 人。一个同学铺床时发现放在被子里的 零食不见了。这样的事情在该校已不止 一次发生,特别是该宿舍更为严重。听到 又有人丢了东西,大家开始七嘴八舌地 出主意。有人说:“应该告诉老师,让老师
Wang Li, who should not have passed away, is an introverted and strong little girl. Just 14 years old, she was a freshman in Grade 2 of Shenzhuang Middle School in Lucheng, Shanxi. On June 14, 2001, Wang Li returned to the dormitory with his classmates as usual after the evening self-study. The students dropped their study supplies and began to prepare for bedtime. Wang Li early to go to bed after lying down, while other students are out in the playful amusement, suddenly, a shock scared shocked all the people in the dorm. When a classmate made the bed, he found the snacks on the quilt disappeared. Such a thing happened more than once at this school, especially the dormitory was more serious. When I heard someone lost something, everyone began to give up their ideas. Someone said: ”should tell the teacher to let the teacher