连云港高级中学始建于1956年,1997年被确定为江苏省重点中学,201 1年学校搬迁到新校址,是一所集绿化、美化、现代化于一身,凭借雄厚实力、先进理念和骄人业绩而傲立于连云港市东部城区的省四星级普通高中。这里有翰墨飘香的教学大楼、功能齐全的科技馆、设施一流的体艺馆、藏书丰富的图书馆、现代标准的田径场、条件优越的学生公寓和窗明几净的环保食堂,是师生工作、生活和学习的理想之地。学校有48个
Lianyungang High School was established in 1956, 1997 was identified as a key high school in Jiangsu Province, 201 1 year the school relocated to the new site, is a set of green, landscaping, modernization in one, with strong, advanced concepts and impressive Performance and stand proudly in the eastern city of Lianyungang four-star high school. Here are the fragrant teaching building, fully functional science and technology museums, first-class facilities Hall of arts, library rich library, modern standard track and field, excellent student apartments and clean environment of the canteen, teachers and students work, Ideal for living and studying. There are 48 schools