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中国包装联合会塑料制品包装委员会塑料中空容器行业联合中心(以下简称“中心”)于2006年11月20-22日在上海召开了节能降耗技术研讨会暨第一届第二次年会。“中心”理事长刘铁峰主持了会议,秘书长蔡明池、副理事长朱义华、杨震、史永红、陆文正;常务理事夏榕、赵西平;副理事长单位:天津利士公司、南京金陵塑胶化工公司、广州中亚塑料公司的代表;常务理事单位:吴江青云塑料厂、杭州中粮美特公司、广东金明塑胶公司的代表出席了会议。出席会议的还有塑料中空容器生产企业(吹塑、注射、滚塑)、设备生产企业、原料生产企业、辅料生产厂家(色母、填料)和其他单位,共有65人。“中心”秘书长蔡明池作了题为《自主创新开发“节能降耗”技术,促进塑料中空容器行业稳定健康地发展》的发言。他就一年来“中心”工作和行业发展情况进行了总结;并就开发中空容器节能降耗技术,推动产品向着节约、清洁、安全发展;发展多层共挤技术,提高包装容器的技术含量,适应市场的需求;执行国家卫生准入制度需要进行的工作和准备进行了报告。在大会发言的十名代表围绕会议主题,分别从设备节能、成型技术、降低单耗、生产环境、安全使用和企管认证等方面做了发言。法国西德乐公司、英国阿特拉斯公司和裕生智能节能公司的代表主要对国外先进节能技术作了介绍。在会议集中发言交流阶段,发言代表和倾听者认真集中,会议气氛始终热烈、振奋、积极、和谐。 China Packaging Federation Plastic Packaging Committee plastic hollow container industry Joint Center (hereinafter referred to as the “Center”) November 20-22, 2006 held in Shanghai, energy-saving technology seminar and the first session of the second annual meeting. Liu Tiefeng, chairman of the “Center”, presided over the meeting. Secretary-General Cai Mingchi and vice-chairman Zhu Yihua, Yang Zhen, Shi Yonghong and Lu Wenzheng, executive director Xia Rong and Zhao Xiping attended the meeting. Vice-chairman Units: Tianjin Leigh Corporation, Nanjing Jinling Plastic Chemical Company, representative of Guangzhou Central Asia Plastics Corporation; executive director units: Wujiang Qingyun Plastic Factory, Hangzhou COFCO Meitech Company, Guangdong Jinming Plastic Company representatives attended the meeting. Also present at the meeting were 65 manufacturers of plastic hollow containers (blow molding, injection molding and rotational molding), equipment manufacturers, raw material manufacturers, auxiliary manufacturers (masterbatch, packing) and other units. Cai Mingchi, secretary-general of the center, made a speech entitled “Independent Innovation and Development” to save energy and reduce energy consumption and promote the stable and healthy development of plastic hollow container industry. He summarized the work of the “center” and the development of the industry in the past year. He also discussed the development of technologies for saving energy and reducing consumption of hollow containers and promoting the development of products that are economically, cleanly and safely developed. The development of multi-layer coextrusion technology and the improvement of the technical content of packaging containers, Adapt to the needs of the market; report on the work and preparation needed to implement the national health access system. Ten delegates who spoke at the conference focused on the theme of the conference and delivered speeches respectively on energy-saving equipment, molding technology, reducing unit consumption, production environment, safe use and certification of enterprises. France Sidley music companies, Atlas, UK and Yusheng smart energy-saving companies on behalf of the main foreign advanced energy-saving technology were introduced. Speaking at the conference, the delegates and listeners of the speeches were attentively concentrated and the atmosphere of the meeting was always warm, inspiring, positive and harmonious.
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5月4日 晴  唯物辩证法中常提到“一切事物都处在不停的运动和变化之中”。不错,在已知的世界中,我们需要进一步去探索和研究,去寻找更深层次的以及我们所未知的领域。而常常仰望星空,是一种不错的选择。  一次,泰勒斯在草地上看星星时,不小心掉入坑里,但他通过看星星预测到第二天要下雨。如果要论得失,那么他所获得的远远大于他所失去的,这不仅是对于泰勒斯个人而言的,而更广泛地影响着人类文明的发展,造福的是千
一九九六年九月的某天,我坐着三十一路电车,去酒泉路派出所,领取新办理的身份证。  那时,整个中国毫无节制的拆与建还没有开始,酒泉路上的槐树还没有被砍掉,浓荫洒满街道,将整个车厢映照得碧绿通透。我在秋天那种有点凉意的槐树香气里坐了三站路,在酒泉路车站下车,一路打听,找到了隐藏在小巷里的派出所。在派出所,我顺利地领到了落户兰州后的第一张身份证,没有遇到刁难,也没有遭遇延误,身份证上的照片也没有想象中那
10岁的孙子龙龙近段时间一个劲找我的“事”。一天晚饭后,我穿凉拖鞋下楼买蚊香。刚走到一楼,龙龙就跟了下来:“爷爷,你鞋穿错了。”我低头一看,怎么左脚穿到了右脚上。  还有一天我正在电脑前打稿子,龙龙盯着屏幕看了一会儿对我说:“爷爷,你有错别字。锻炼的炼应该是火字旁。”我仔细一看,果然,立马改了过来。  还有天中午,老伴做了幾个好菜,让我酒瘾来了。因为我患有高血压,老伴每顿只允许我喝两小杯白酒。趁老