Calculation of resonant sound absorption parameters for performance evaluation of metal rubber mater

来源 :Science in China(Series E:Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yjf11230301
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The first resonant(anti-resonant)frequency and sound absorption coefficient of metal rubber(MR) material are theoretically studied with hard backed samples and with air layer.The equations of the first resonant and anti-resonant frequencies of MR are deduced from the undamped propagation characteristics of porous material.The first resonant and anti-resonance sound absorption coefficients are induced according to the theoretical formula for the acoustic characteristic parameters of MR,and the former is modified while the energy consumption at resonance is taken into consideration.The good agreement between the calculation results of these resonant sound absorption parameters and the experimental results verifies the effectiveness of this calculation method for the performance evaluation of MR as a sound absorption material. The first resonant (anti-resonant) frequency and sound absorption coefficient of metal rubber (MR) material are theoretically studied with hard backed samples and with air layer. The equations of the first resonant and anti-resonant frequencies of MR are deduced from the undamped propagation characteristics of porous material. The first resonant and anti-resonance sound absorption coefficients are induced according to the theoretical formula for the acoustic characteristic parameters of MR, and the former is modified while the energy consumption at resonance is taken into consideration.The good agreement between the calculation results of these resonant sound absorption parameters and the experimental results verifies the effectiveness of this calculation method for the performance evaluation of MR as a sound absorption material.
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