在1915年巴拿马世博会上,中国展品共获得1211项奖,在全部31个参展国中独占鳌头。上海的“美华利”时钟,正是工艺类金牌奖章获得者之一。清光绪二年(1876),浙江鄞县人孙廷源创办了“美华利”(May War Lee)钟表行,主要经营进口钟表。但在孙廷源心里一直有个想法:中国是最早发明计时仪器的国家,而今却要从国外进口钟表,让白花花的银子流入了洋人的腰包,实在心有不甘,一定要争口气,生产出自己的钟表。~([1])无奈年事已高,他只能把希望寄托在儿子孙梅堂身上。
At the Panama World Expo in 1915, a total of 1,211 Chinese exhibits were awarded, taking the lead among all 31 participating countries. Shanghai “Mei Wah Lee ” clock, it is one of the craft medal winner. Emperor Guangxu two years (1876), Zhejiang Yinxian Sun Tingyuan founded "May War Lee However, there was always an idea in Sun Tingyuan’s mind: China was the earliest country to invent time-measuring instruments. Today, however, it is imperative to import clocks and watches from abroad so that shining white money can flow into foreigners’ pockets. Watch ~ ([1]) Helpless age is high, he can only pin his hopes on his son Sun Meitang body.