一.填充题: 1.我国第一大河是_。它发源于_省,流经__个省、市、自治区,最后流入__海。 2我国第一大城市是__,它位于__的南岸,__和___铁路的交会处。 3.北回归线横穿_、_、_和_四个省区。 4.台湾省位于__省的对面,它包括我国第一大岛_,_岛,还有_岛、_岛等许多小岛. 5.云贵高原位于我国的西南_____盆地的南面,在__和__两省境内。 6.青藏高原是我国地势__的地区,也是地球上__的
A fill in questions: 1. China's largest river is _. It originated in _ provinces, through __ provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, and finally into __ sea. 2 The largest city in our country is __, which is located at the intersection of South Bank, __ and ____ railway. 3. Tropic of Cancer across _, _, _ and _ four provinces and autonomous regions. 4. Taiwan Province is located opposite the province of __, which includes many islands in China, the largest island of Japan, _ island, _ island, etc. 5. Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau is located south of China's southwestern _____ basin, Within __ and __ provinces. 6. The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is a part of China's terrain __, also on Earth