Phosphorene-Based Heterostructured Photocatalysts

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Semiconductor photocatalysis is a potential pathway to solve the problems of global energy shortage and environmental pollution.Black phosphorus (BP) has been widely used in the field of photocatalysis owing to its features of high hole mobility,adjustable bandgap,and wide optical absorption range.Nevertheless,pristine BP still exhibits unsatisfactory photocatalytic activity due to the low separation efficiency of pho-toinduced charge carriers.In recent years,the construction of heterostructured photocatalysts based on BP has become a research hotspot in photocatalysis with the remarkable improvement of photoexcited charge-separation efficiency.Herein,progress on the design,synthesis,properties,and applications of BP and its corresponding heterostructured photocatalysts is summarized.Furthermore,the photocat-alytic applications of BP-based heterostructured photocatalysts in water splitting,pollutant degradation,carbon dioxide reduction,nitrogen fixation,bacterial disinfection,and organic synthesis are reviewed.Opportunities and challenges for the exploration of advanced BP-based heterostructured photocatalysts are presented.This review will promote the development and applications of BP-based heterostructured photocatalysts in energy conversion and environmental remediation.
建立了高效液相色谱法通过示差折光检测器测定无糖食品中的异麦芽酮糖醇含量的方法.样品中的异麦芽酮糖醇用去离子水超声提取,使用XBridge(R)BEH Amide 5μm(4.6×250mn)色谱柱分离,乙腈-水-三乙胺(3∶ 1∶0.002,v/v/v)溶液在流速为1.0 mL/min下等度洗脱样品溶液.异麦芽酮糖醇的质量浓度在0.1~20.0 rng/mL范围内与其峰面积呈现出良好的线性关系,相关系数R2 =0.9999,检出限为3.3 g/kg,定量限为10 g/kg,在无糖糖果、无糖饮料和无糖糕点中
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