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中芝七号系中国农科院油料所用犀牛角为母本、“786”为父本通过有性杂交后选育成的中熟偏早品种。全生育期90天左右。1981年参加全省芝麻品种比较试验,平均亩产131.3斤,比佛座芝麻增产31.1%;最高亩产达206.7斤。我省波阳、进贤、高安等地试种,表现良好,比当地良种一股增产10—15%。波阳县为了满足外贸出口的需要,今年准备在饶埠公社建立生产和种子繁殖基地,扩种3万亩。日前我省不少地区都准备推广这个品种。 Zhongzhi No. 7 Department of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences oil rhinoceros horn used as the female parent, “786” as the male parent through sexual cross after breeding into medium mature partial early varieties. The whole growth period of about 90 days. In 1981 to participate in the province sesame breed comparison test, the average per mu yield of 131.3 pounds, 31.8% higher than sesame sesame seeds; the highest yield of 206.7 pounds. Our province Bo Yang, Jinxian, Gao An and other places to try, good performance, a 10-15% increase over the local elite. Bo Yang County in order to meet the needs of foreign trade exports, ready to set up production and seed breeding base in Rao Bu commute this year, expanding 30000 acres. Recently, many areas in our province are ready to promote this species.
辽宁省科委于1987年7月3日~5日在本溪——丹东主持召开了“脱毒马铃薯开发研究”鉴定会。 40余名专家、领导干部和科技管理人员审查了开发研究的工作报告和4份专题研究报告,
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