Crystallographic and Low Frequency Conductivity Studies of the Spinel Systems CuFe_2O_4 and Cu_(1-x)

来源 :沈阳理工大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lvsby2009
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Spinel solid solutions of CuFe2O4 and Cu1-xZnxGa0.1Fe1.9O4 with (0.0≤x≤0.5) are synthesized. Crystallographic phase transformation from tetragonal-to-cubic occurred at x=0.2. The derived structural parameters manifest that Zn occupies the tetrahedral A-site while Cu and Ga occupy the octahedral B-site and Fe distributes among A-and B-sites. Electrical conductivity measurements of these materials as a function of temperature and frequency revealed semiconducting behavior except CuFe2O4 sample,which has a metallic behavior at low frequency and at high frequency,metallic-to-semiconductor transition occurred as temperature increases. The metallic behavior in this sample is attributed to cation-cation interactions at B-site while,the semiconductor behavior in Cu1-xZnxGa0.1Fe1.9O4 compounds is due to the cation-anion-cation interactions at the same site in the spinel lattice. All compositions exhibit transition with change in the slope of conductivity versus temperature curve. This transition temperature (Tc) decreases linearly with increasing Zn content x. The relation of the universal exponent s with temperature gives evidence that over large polaron OLP and correlated barrier hopping CBH conduction mechanisms are presented in CuFe2O4 and Cu1-xZnxGa0.1Fe1.9O4 compounds respectively. Crystallographic phase transformation from tetragonal-to-cubic occurred at x = 0.2. The derived structural parameters manifest that Zn occupies the tetrahedral A -site while Cu and Ga occupy the octahedral B-site and Fe distributes among A-and B-sites. Electrical conductivity measurements of these materials as a function of temperature and frequency revealed semiconducting behavior except CuFe2O4 sample, which has a metallic behavior at low frequency and at high frequency, metallic-to-semiconductor transition occurred as temperature increases. The metallic behavior in this sample is attributed to cation-interaction interactions at B-site while, the semiconductor behavior in Cu1-xZnxGa0.1Fe1.9O4 compounds is due to the cation-anion-cation interactions at the same site in the spinel lattice. All transcripts transition with change in the slope of conductivity versus temperature curve. This trans ition temperature (Tc) decreases linearly with increasing Zn content x. The relation of the universal exponent s with temperature gives evidence that over large polaron OLP and correlated barrier hopping CBH conduction mechanisms are presented in CuFe2O4 and Cu1-xZnxGa0.1Fe1.9O4 compounds respectively .
普通的羽毛球筒在开封使用几天后,由于筒盖密封效果不好,羽毛会在自然风干下很快变干、变脆,变得易折断,使得羽毛球的使用寿命大为减短,特别是在天气干燥的秋季。有没有办法可解决这一问题呢?  我上网查阅,发现大部分的解决方案是在使用羽毛球之前用水蒸气熏蒸;还有人发明了羽毛球加湿器,它的工作原理是通过电热元件加热产生水蒸气,再用风扇把水蒸气送入球筒。  我尝试了第一种方法,发现它有两个缺点:一是用水蒸气熏
一天家里请客人吃饭时,我发现盛菜的盘底粘有饭粒,很不雅观。问母亲后得知,因客人多,下米就多,而常用蒸架高度基本固定,蒸菜时很容易被米饭盖过而粘到盘底。于是我就开始思考如何才能把蒸架垫高,以使蒸菜盘不会粘到饭粒。  我观察了工地里一层一层上升的升降机,以及旋转上升的摄像机的三角架,那么蒸架是不是也可以设计为旋转上升呢?我找来了可旋转升降的螺母、螺钉。可是该怎么安装?装在哪个位置呢?  带着这些问题,
开发 Cu、Au 的 MOCVD(有机金属化合物气相沉积法)材料,作为256兆位 DRAM 新一代半导体布线材料。Cu 与 Al、W 比较,比电阻低,比铝的可靠性高,线宽可达0.25μm 以下,有希望
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To study the adsorption behavior of Cu+ in aqueous solution on semiconductor surface, the interactions of Cu+ and hydrated Cu+ cations with the clean Si(111) su