
来源 :贵州茶叶 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:happyyearer
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在全国茶市处于低谷之时,湖北省重点茶叶大县五峰县的茶叶产销却春风得意。该县生产的“长乐毛尖”、“千丈白毫”、“采花毛尖”等优质春茶一面市便被海内外客商抢购一空。该县茶叶产销在全国茶市疲软的大气侯影响下也落入了低谷,县委县府认真总结当年生产经营的经验教训,分析全国茶市走向后作出决策,上名优精品、强化管理、夺回失去的市场。为防止假冒茶充斥市场,加强了茶叶包装管理,确定了名茶的规范包装。还组织了“请名师、出名牌、争名声”的争创名优竞赛。今年,产量比去年增长35%,销售收入增127%, When the national tea market was at a low point, the production and sales of tea in Wufeng County, a major tea county in Hubei Province, had a good reputation. The county’s production of “Changle Maojian”, “Xinzhang Baihao”, and “Flower Maojian” are all sold out by domestic and foreign merchants. The county’s tea production and sales also fell into a trough under the weak atmosphere of the tea market in the country. The county party committee and county government carefully summed up the experiences and lessons of the production and operation of the year, analyzed the national tea market and made decisions, and won the famous high-quality products, strengthened management, and recaptured and lost. Market. In order to prevent counterfeit tea from flooding the market, tea packaging management has been strengthened and standardized tea packaging has been established. He also organized a “Creating Famous Designers, Famous Brands, and Striving for Reputation” competition. This year, the output increased by 35% from last year, and sales revenue increased by 127%.
熙。、一一瞌濂嘴饕’95中外家具精品展览会参展选登 Hee. , 一 瞌濂 瞌濂 95 95 95 Chinese and Foreign Furniture Boutique Exhibition Participation
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面临新的形势和新的挑战,为保持嘉陵的竞争优势,加快集团公司的发展,嘉陵集团公司导人企业形象识别系统——CIS 新闻发布会.于1995年9月15日下午在上海海仑宾馆隆重举行。中
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