Aggregation Kinetics of Inclusions in Swirling Flow Tundish for Continuous Casting

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:billysjq
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The mechanism of inclusion aggregation in liquid steel in swirling flow tundish is analyzed by applying the theory of flocculation which was developed in the field of colloid engineering. The gas bridge forces due to the micro bubbles on hydrophobic inclusion surfaces were responsible for the inclusion collision and agglomeration, which can avoid the aggregation to breakup. The quantity of micro bubbles on hydrophobic inclusion particle is more than that on hydrophilic one. The trend of forming gas bridges between micro bubbles on particles is strong in the course of collision. The liquid film on hydrophobic particles is easy to break during collision process. Hydrophobic particles are liable to aggregate in collision. According to the analysis of forces on a nonmetallic inclusion particle in swirling chamber, the chance of inclusion collision and aggregation can be improved by the centripetal force. Hydrophobic particles in water are liable to aggregate in collision. Hydrophilic particles in water are dispersed although collision happens. The wettability can be changed by changing solid-liquid interface tension. The nonmetallic inclusion removal in swirling flow tundish is studied. The result shows that under certain turbulent conditions, the particle concentration and the wettability between particles and liquid steel are the main factors to induce collision and aggregation. The mechanism of inclusion aggregation in liquid steel in swirling flow tundish is analyzed by applying the theory of flocculation which was developed in the field of colloid engineering. The gas bridge forces due to the micro bubbles on hydrophobic inclusion surfaces were responsible for the inclusion collision and The quantity of micro bubbles on porous inclusion particles is more than that on hydrophilic one. The trend of forming gas bridges between micro bubbles on particles is strong in the course of collision. The liquid film on hydrophobic particles is easy to break during collision. Hydrophobic particles are liable to break in collision process. According to the analysis of forces on a nonmetallic inclusion particle in swirling chamber, the chance of inclusion collision and aggregation can be improved by the centripetal force. particles in water are liable to aggregate in collision. Hydrophilic parti The wettability can be changed by changing solid-liquid interface tension. The nonmetallic inclusion removal in swirling flow tundish is studied. The result shows that under certain turbulent conditions, the particle concentration and the wettability between particles and liquid steel are the main factors to induce collision and aggregation.
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