解读单元考点,牵手高频考题Unit 21 Body language

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  1. 课本原句: Match each picture with the emotion and the correct sentence. (P. 57)
  要点: match / suit / fit的区别。
  指点迷津: 三者都有“适合”之意,区别为: match多指大小、色彩、形状、性质方面的“物与物”相配、相称。例如:
  The tie doesn’t match the suit.这条领带与西装不相配。
  suit多指合乎口味、性格、条件等。如:No dish suits all tastes. 众口难调。
  The cap fits me well.这帽子很适合我戴。
  1. —How about eight o’clock outside the cinema?
  —That _______me fine.(2005江苏卷)
  A. fits B. meets
  C. satisfies D. suits
  2. —This jacket doesn’t_______ me. Do you have a larger size?
  —Yes, but the color is different. Does it_______ you? (2005海淀模拟卷)
  A. fit; suit B. suit; fit
  C. fit; fit D. suit; suit
  点拨: 1. D。suit在此处指时间、地点“适合”某人的心意;2. A。第一空指“大小”合适;第二空指“颜色”合适。
  2. 课本原句:In France, a person seeing the same gesture will think it means money. (P. 59)
  要点: mean的热点用法。
  指点迷津: mean的含义有“意味着”,“打算”等。其热点用法有:
  1) mean to do 表示“打算干某事”,而mean doing 表示“意味着干某事”,“就是”。例如:
  Revolutiom means liberating the productive forces.革命就是解放生产力。
  Working hard means success.努力就会成功。
  I mean to accomplish the task by any means.我打算用尽一功办法完成任务。
  2) 句型What do you mean by...?表示“你说的话或做的事是什么意思?”。
  3) 短语be meant for 意为“为某人或某事打算、准备的”。例如:
  4) mean还可用作名词,意为“方法、方式、手段、资源、财产”,总是以means的复数形式出现,但在意义上总是视为单数,其前总是用介词by,其后接“of”或“for”均可,间或接to solve和to solving;当“方法”、“手段”解时,a means, such a means, this means, that means视为单数,these means, those means, such means视为复数,no means, all means视为单复数均可,当“财产,资源”解时视为不可数名词,可以用little, much修饰。不可用many, few修饰。含means的常见短语有:by all means(当然可以,想方设法,务必,无论如何),by any means用在句前句中意为“无论如何”,用在句未意为“用尽一切办法”,by no means(决不),用在句首要用部分倒装语序。
  The gifts are meant for you.这些礼物是为你准备的。
  1. In some parts of London, missing a bus means_______ for another hour. (2002上海春25)
  A. waiting B. to wait
  C. wait D. to be waiting
  2. —You are so lucky.
   —What do you mean_______ that?(2002北京春)
  A. for B. in C. of D. by
  3. I’ve tried very hard to improve my English. But by no means_______ with my progress. (2006重庆卷)
  A. the teacher is not satisfied
  B. is the teacher not satisfied
  C. the teacher is satisfied
  D. is the teacher satisfied
  点拨: 1 A。mean doing在此处表示“意味着”;2. D。3. D。by no means(决不),放在句首时句子要用倒装形式。
  3. 课本原句: While there are many different interpretations of our body language, some gestures seem to be universal. (P. 59)
  要点: while的特殊含义。
  指点迷津: while一般作连词,引导时间状语从句,意为“当……的时候”。而它的特殊含义有:
  1) 作并列连词,引导两个简单句,表示前后之间的对照,意为“而”。例如:
  He likes fish, while I like beef.
  2) 引导让步状语从句,意为“虽然”或“尽管”,相当于though / although。例如:
  While I admit his good points, I can see his shortcomings.
  3) 引导条件状语从句,意为“只要”,相当于so / as long as。例如:
  You will succeed while you double your efforts.
  1. The cost of living in Glasgow is among the lowest in Britain,_______ the quality of life is probably one of the highest. (2006天津卷)
  A. since B. when C. as D. while
  2._______I accept that he is not perfect, I do actually like the person. (2004江苏卷)
  A. While B. Since
  C. Before D. Unless_______
  3._______ modeling business is by no means easy to get into, the good model will always be in great demand. (2004浙江卷)
  A. While B. Since C. As D. If
  点拨: 1. D。由语境得知前后句意构成转折和对比的逻辑关系,while在此表“然而”; 2. A。while在此表“尽管”;3. A。while在此表“虽然”,句意为:虽然要进入模特业决不容易,但优秀的模特儿需要量很大。
  4. 课本原句:There are also differences as to how often we touch each other. (P. 59)
  要点: 有关as 的重要短语。
  指点迷津: 1) as for相当于as to, 表示“至于”、“关于”。例如:
  As for me, I don’t agree.
  2) as it is / was“照原样子”,用于这一意义时多置于句未。例如:
  Please leave the book as it is.
  另外,as it is / was还有“事实上”的意思,相当于in fact / as a matter of fact用于这一意义时多置于句前。此外还要注意与as it were的差别。as it were意为“好像”,“仿佛”,“可以说”,在任何上下文形式都不变。as it is的形式要随上下文变。如: You had better state the facts as they are.
  3) as long as / so long as意为“只要”,引导条件状语从句,相当于on condition that。
  4) as well意为“也”,放在句末,相当于too。例如:
  He is a dancer and a singer as well.
  5) “may / might as well +动词原形”表示“最好”,“不妨”“还是……为好”。例如:
  You may as well double your efforts.
  1._______ housekeeping, a home economics teacher had told Bob that a room always looks clean if the bed is made. (2004浙江卷,49)
  A. Due to B. As for
  C. Along with D. Except for
   2. Soccer is the most truly international team sport, but there is still some question whether it should be called a game or open warfare. (2006全国联考卷)
  A. in addition B. as to
  C. owing to D. moreover
  点拨: 由语境可以看出,两道题的空白处都要填表示“关于”的介词短语,故答案均为B。
1. 课本原句: But theme parks also try to make sure that visitors leave knowing more about their theme. (P. 66)  要点: 有关sure的重点短语。  指点迷津: sure意为“有把握的”,为表语形容词,其主语通常为人,不可用very而常用quite, dead等修饰。常见的短语有:make sur
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have to, must, ought to,should, need,   在英语中有一组表示责任义务需要或强制命令的情态动词,如have to, must, ought to, should, need, had better等,学生较难明白区分,下面试作一总结    一 have to 与must的用法    1) 有时可通用例如:  You must (have to) do as yo
一、 词语例解  1. avoid  vt. 避免;消除;回避(keep away from; keep out of the way of; escape)  Try to avoid danger.要尽量避免危险。  I avoided punishment by running away. 我逃走了,避免了被惩罚。  Fortunately,we were able to avoid an
Ⅰ. 单词拼写  根据句意和汉语或首写字母提示,写出句中所缺单词的完全形式。  1. It is u _______that women can’t get the same pay as men when they do the same job.  2. I worked a long time and at last I m_______to work out the maths probl
形容词own(自己的,特有的)常和名词所有格或形容词性物主代词one’s (my / our / your / his / her / its / their)一起使用,以加强语气。使用own时应注意下面几点:  1. 如果被修饰的名词前没有a, any, some, no, this, that等限定词修饰时,名词所有格或形容词性物主代词 + own直接前置修饰该名词。例如:  This is
As the new anchor-woman at Phoenix TV, Zen Zimo established a unique style because of her quick mind, sharp perspectives and cool appearance. When we investigate her reading background, another of her
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Ⅰ. 单词拼写  根据句意和汉语或首写字母提示,写出句中所缺单词的完全形式。  1. Big cities have many a_______ , such as dancing, singing, listening to concert and so on.  2. My brother and I are in the m_______ , because more people are
一、 词语例解  1. risk  n. 危险;风险(the possibility of losing or being hurt)  He took a risk when he crossed the old bridge.他冒险过了那座旧桥。  They took a risk in driving on, notwithstanding the storm.尽管有暴风雨,他们还是冒险驾车