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  have to, must, ought to,should, need,
  在英语中有一组表示责任、义务、需要或强制命令的情态动词,如have to, must, ought to, should, need, had better等,学生较难明白区分,下面试作一总结。
  一、 have to 与must的用法
  1) 有时可通用。例如:
  You must (have to) do as you are told.要你怎么做你就得怎么做。
  2) 表示个人意志或主观上的必要性时常用must,表示客观上的必要性时常用have to。试比较:
  We must study hard. 我们一定要努力学习。
  I have no bike. I have to go to the office on foot. 我没有自行车,上班只得步行。
  3) 表示经常性的动作时宜用have to。例如:
  I have to take care of my mother every day. 我得每天照顾我母亲。
  4) must只有一种形式,在将来时里既可用must, 也可用shall (will) have to。例如:
  I must be at home tomorrow. 我明天一定在家。
  I shall have to go there some day. 我总有一天要到那里去。
  5) must 一般不用过去时,它的过去时常用had to 代替。例如:
  I had to finish it yesterday. 我昨天不得不要完成那件了。
  6) must意为“必须”时,否定式是needn’t, mustn’t表示“绝对不可,不许,禁止”,have to 的否定式表示“不必”。例如:
  You musn’t smoke in class. 上课时不准吸烟。
  You don’t have to recite the text before class. 你不必在上课前背书。
  You must pay the money, but you needn’t do so at once. 你必须付钱,但不必马上付。
  —Must I finish my homework now? 我必须现在就完成作业吗?
  —Yes, you must. 是的。
  —No, you needn’t. / Don’t have to. 不,你不必。
  7) 注意must 在表达“必须、一定”的含义时,反意疑问句用mustn’t。表示“有必要”之意时,反意疑问句则要用needn’t。表示“禁止”的意思时,反意疑问句常用may,也可用must。例如:
  You must finish your homework on time, mustn’t you?
  They must buy a dictionary now, needn’t they?
  You mustn’t play football in the classroom, may( must) you?
  二、 ought to的用法
  1) 英语中的ought to为情态动词,意思是“应该;应当”,可用于各种人称的句中,没有词形变化。后接动词原形时可以表示现在、将来或过去将来的时间概念,由时间状语或上下文决定。例如:
  He thought that they ought to take part in the design. 他认为他们应当参加设计。
  2) ought to表示义务、约束力,意为“应该,应当”,语气比should强,比must弱。如:
  You ought to follow him. 你应该听他的话。
  There ought not to be much noise in a hospital. 医院里不该喧闹。
  3) ought to 的否定式是ought not to或oughtn’t to, 疑问句是把ought提到主语前面。例如:
  She ought not to buy this book. 她不应该买这本书。
  He oughtn’t to go there. 他不该去那儿。
  注意: 其否定式不使用ought to not的形式。
  Ought I to leave tomorrow? 我应当明天动身吗?
  4) 在反意疑问句中,下面两种形式都可以:
  David ought to stay at home to look after his mother, shouldn’t he? / oughtn’t he? 大卫应当呆在家里照顾他母亲,是吗?
  5) 后接不定式完成式的用法如下:
  ought / oughtn’t to have done意为“本应该做某事(但实际上没有做);本不应该做某事(但做了)”,表示事与愿违,往往含有批评或责备的意思。例如:
  We ought to have given you more help. 我们本应该给你更多帮助。(表示自责或遗憾)
  You oughtn’t to have done that. 你本不该那样干。(表示批评)
  6) 后接不定式完成进行式,意为“应该一直在做某事”,表示责备、批评、推测等。例如:
  You ought to have been waiting for us. Why haven’t you? 你本应当等着他们,怎么没等?(表示责备)
  You oughtn’t to have been talking so much. 你本不应该讲这么多话。(表示批评)
  7) 其被动式为ought to be done。例如:
  Teachers ought to be honored. 老师应该受到尊敬。
  Such things ought not to be allowed, ought they? 这类事情不应该准许,是吗?
  三、 should的用法
  1) 用于提出建议或劝告,意思是“应当、应该”。例如:
  He should be criticized since he is often late for class. 既然他经常上课迟到,他应该受到老师批评。
  One shouldn’t judge a person by his appearance. 不应该以貌取人。
  2) 用在二、三人称中具有“强制、威胁”之意。例如:
  You should do it as I told you. 你要按照我告诉你的去做。(强制)
  They should return all these balls as soon as the P.E. class is over. 体育课一结束他们就得把所有的球还上。(命令)
  3) should have done表示“本应该做而实际上未做”;shouldn’t have done表示“本不应该做而做了”。例如:
  He also learns that he should have cared more about his friends. 他还明白了他本来应该多关心朋友。
  You shouldn’t have quarreled with her last night. 昨晚你本来不应该和她争吵的。
  四、 need的用法
  1) 作情态动词用的need只用于否定句和疑问句,意为“需要;必须”。例如:
  —You needn’t try it again. 你不必再试。
  —Need they stay here this evening? 他们今晚要住在这儿吗?
  —Yes, they must (have to). 是的,他们要住在这儿。
  —No, they needn’t. 不,他们不必住在这儿。
  2) need还可以用作实义动词。例如:
  He needs some money. 他需要点钱。
  You don’t need to wait. 你不必再等了。
  —Does he need to return? 他需不需要回来?
  —Yes, he does. (No, he doesn’t). 需要。(不需要。)
  3)need 可用于指现在时及将来时,need没有另外的过去时形式,在过去时中常用had to。例如:
  He had not to go yesterday. 他昨天可不必去。
  4) needn’t have +过去分词表示“本不必做某事而做了”。例如:
  Your elder brother needn’t have come last night. 你哥哥昨晚本不必来。
  五、 had better的用法
  had better意为“最好”,有时也可用had best的形式,常用于表示比较委婉的建议,其后习惯加动词原形,其否定形式为had better not do sth.。例如:
  It’s a long way for us to cover. We’d better / best take a bus. 路太远了,我们最好乘公共汽车去。
  You’d better not say such silly words. 你最好不要说这种愚蠢的话。
  1. —Shall I tell John about it?
   —No, you________. I’ve told him already.
  A. needn’t
  B. wouldn’t
  C. mustn’t
  D. shouldn’t
  2. When he was there he________ go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day.
  A. had to
  B. should
  C. had better
  D. might
  3. —Can I tell my best friend about it?
   —No, I don’t want anyone else to know it.
  You________ keep it yourself.
  A. can
  B. need
  C. must
  D. may
  4. It was playing computer games that cost the boy plenty of time that he________ have spent doing his lessons.
  A. might
  B. must
  C. ought to
   D. could
  5. One ought________ for what one hasn’t done.
   A. not to be punished
   B. to not be punished
   C. not punished
   D. not be punished
  6. —________he clean the classroom now?
   —No, he________. He may do it tomorrow.
   A. Must; mustn’t
   B. Need; wouldn’t
   C. Shall; needn’t
   D. May; don’t have to
  7. This project________ considered thoroughly (彻底地), and I’m sure it________ finished on time.
   A. must be; may be
  B. should be; can be
  C. may be; must be
  D. can be; should be
  8. We________ last night, but we went to the concert instead.
  A. must have studied
  B. might study
  C. should have studied
  D. would study
  9. —________shopping himself yesterday afternoon?
   —No, he needn’t have.
  A. Could he have gone
  B. Must he go
  C. Need he have gone
  D. Did he go
  10. I don’t think it advisable that Jack________ the job since he has little experience.
  A. is given
  B. will be given
  C. be given
  D. has been given
  11. —May I go out to play football for a______ while?
  —No, you________.
  A. needn’t
  B. mustn’t
  C. won’t
  D. may not
  12. —I’m sorry, Mrs Smith. I’ve broken your______ glasses.
  —It doesn’t matter, Mark, but you_______careful.
  A. must be
  B. should be
  C. must have been
  D. should have been
  13. —She didn’t pass the exam yesterday.
   —She________ it well.
  A. must have prepared
  B. should have prepared
  C. must have prepared for
  D. should have prepared for
  14. —Everybody is supposed to start the work________ at 8:30.
  —Well, I know I________ this morning, but________ my car broke down.
  A. ought to
  B. ought to have
  C. should
  D. must have
  15. —Did your father go to America?
  —No, his doctor suggested that he________there.
  A. is going
  B. not go
  C. did not go
  D. to be doing
  16. It was, I should say, very kind of you to come all the way to help them, but you_______ .
  A. didn’t have to
  B. wouldn’t have done
  C. mustn’t have done
  D. mightn’t have done
  17. —Mr Simth didn’t come last night, did______ he?
  —No, we________ have waited for him. A______whole night was wasted.
  A. couldn’t
  B. needn’t
  C. should
  D. would
  18. We are really shocked at their decision that the engineer________ be given the sack(开除).
  A. must
  B. should
  C. may
  D. can
  19. —I don’t mind telling you what I know.
  —But you________. I’ve known all about it.
  A. mustn’t
  B. may not
  C. can’t
  D. needn’t
  20. —I sent him the dictionary by mail this______ afternoon.
  —You________ that; he’s coming next week.
  A. mustn’t do
  B. didn’t have to do
  C. needn’t have done
  D. needn’t to do
  Keys: 1. A2. A3. C4. C5. A6. C7. B8. C9. C10. C11. B12. D13. D14. B15. B16. A17. B18. B19. D20. C
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I hardly had any impression of you when I was a little kid. Because you were a driver, you had to get up very early and work deep into night to support our family. You seldom took me to the park or bo
一、 单词例解    1. diet  n. (1) 饮食;食物。例如:  Their diet chiefly consists of grain and vegetables.他们的饮食主要是谷类和蔬菜。  (2) (适合某种疾病的)特种饮食。例如:  No chocolate, please. I’m on a diet.请不要放巧克力,我在忌食巧克力。  v. 节食;吃限定食物。例如:  
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实际运用中有一些含有动名词的特殊句型和习惯用法常常被中学生所忽略,下面就对这些句型和用法做一些简单的归纳。(注意以下动名词用 “doing”表示)  1. succeed in doing = manage to do ... 成功地做……  China succeeded in sending up another man?鄄made satellite yesterday.昨天中国又成功地发射