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暮春的梨花纷纷扬扬似落了场雪,萎落一地,碾作泥尘。我又看见了她,然彼时已化为一抔青草黄土。冷碑茕茕立于寂寞夜风中,苍老佝偻的梨树,遥遥立着,花事荼蘼。细雨终于还是淅淅沥沥地落了下来。她似乎一直蜗居在潮湿的小院里,老式收音机空荡荡地咿咿呀呀。村里每个孩子都唤她姥姥,可她一直都是孤独的神色。望向稚儿的沉默眼神,有太多不可言表的东西。永远在院中徘徊着的叹息着的目光,随院中白梨花,盛开,凋零,盛开,宛若尽头遥遥无期的轮回。 Pear blossoms in late spring have fallen like a snow field, a landfall, grinding mud. I saw her again, but then I turned it into a grass loess. Cold monument 茕 茕 stand in the lonely night wind, the old 佝 偻 pear tree, standing alone, spent things 蘼 蘼. Drizzle finally finally lingering down. She seems to have been dwelling in a humid courtyard, the old radio blankly babbling ah. Every child in the village calls her grandmother, but she has always been a lonely look. Looking at the silent eyes of young children, there are too many unspeakable things. Forever in the hospital wandering sigh of the eyes, with the hospital pear, bloom, withered, in full bloom, just like the end of the cycle of eternal.
据总部位于美国康涅狄格州的商业通讯公司 (BCC)最新研究报告称 ,全球油田化学品市场将快速增长 ,市场总值将由 2 0 0 2年的 17亿美元增至 2 0 0 7年的 2 3亿美元 ,平均年增速达
Jacobsen’s catalyst was immobilized onto SBA-15 by multi-step grafting, and this heterogenized catalyst exhibited comparable catalytic performance with the co
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党的十六大报告指出 :“再分配注重公平 ,加强政府对收入分配的调节职能 ,调节差距过大的收入。”政府在收入再分配过程中应发挥哪些职能 ,以实现社会公平 ? The report of
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