
来源 :校园英语·上旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:josiefeiv
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  【Abstract】Science has played a major role in modern literature. Taking Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro as an example, this paper analyzes the miserable fate of the clones and the impact of cloning technology on traditional bioethics.
  【Key words】Never Let Me Go; Cloning Technology; Traditional Bioethics
  With the appearance of Dolly in 1996, the cloning technology was officially recognized in the scientific field, which means that the human beings have mastered the technology of copying life. It immediately stirs up heated discussions and debates. Among the controversies, one has attracted the most attention: violations of traditional bioethics.
  As we all know, the clones have the biological differences from the “normal” human beings. But that does not necessarily mean that they are not humans. The clones have the same DNAs with human beings, the same human features and follow the same procedure of growth. In Never Let Me Go, through Kathy’s recounting of her experiences in the earlier period, one can find that except for the fact that they will become donors, their life journey is almost the same as that of normal people: childhood, adolescence and adulthood. They encounter the same dilemmas in dealing with different relationships. James Buther believes that the clones are “people who are every bit as human as the members of the society who created them. They love and hate and want desperately to cling onto life” (1299). Then here comes the problem: now that they are human beings, why are their lives trampled as lifeless products?
  The life divine theory holds that the human life is sacred and of supreme worth. Since the ancient times, the philosophers have emphasized the sacredness of life. The Greek philosopher Pythagoras points out that “life is sacred and no one should end his or her life.” The English scholar Alexander J. Miline also claims that “everyone deserves the right to live” (qtd. in Shangguan, 28). According to this holy view of life, no matter under what circumstances, nobody has the right to intentionally accelerate another person’s death. Since the ancient times, the sacredness of life has been the ethical basis and code of conduct for medical work. The development of medical science seems to comply with this principle. The advanced technology gives hope to many patients who are suffering from once incurable diseases. Take the case in Never Let Me Go as an example: for the “normal” people, the genetic engineering and human cloning technology help to reduce their pain from the diseases and prolong their lives by organ transplantation. However, the technology of organ transplantation is disastrous to the clones. The clones are created and then sacrificed to prolong the lives of human patients. But as far as the human features of clones are concerned, the obligatory “donations” have obviously hurt the dignity of their lives. Yet, the strong desire to live longer drives the normal people to deprive the clones of their lives regardless of the traditional ethics. To ease their minds of the sense of guilt, the “normal” people persuade themselves that the clones are only “products.” The clones are treated as if they were objects in the production lines, which can be copied in abundance. The dehumanization toward the clones has obviously violated the life divine theory.   Since life is sacred, people cannot take others’ lives or maltreat their own body. Chinese people believe that one’s body is given by his or her parents and one should take good care of his or her own body. Similarly, in the west, Christians value highly the divinity of their body. For instance, Christinity condemns the act of suicide or self-destruction because “God is the giver of life. He gives, and he takes away” (Job 1:21). The act of taking one’s life or part of one’s body is ungodly because it rejects God’s gift of life. But the technology of organ transplantation is based on the concept of destroying the integrity of one’s body, thus it is a blasphemy to the divinity of life.
  For the “normal” human beings, although the organ transplantation helps to prolong their lives when they suffer from some diseases, this technology is also a self-destruction to them. The clones are somewhat like sisters and brothers of the “normal” people. When people plunder the organs of the clones, they are actually trampling on their own body.
  The development of medical technology has unquestionably helped to prolong human life. But all medical treatments should abide by the ethical codes. When the normal people are desiring for the organs of the clones, they should not forget the fact that the clones are their biological brothers and sisters.
  [1]Butcher,James.“A wonderful Donation.”Lancet 365.7(2005): 1296-1300.
During the time from 1630s through 1660s, puritan tenets of divine authority、covenants with God to practise his wills、social order and hard work had influenced the development of the New England colon
【摘要】近年来,人们对教育事业的发展十分关注,为了更好地实现教育,教育体系也是不断进行教学手段的探索和创新,这也是当前教育重要的建设内容。在大学英语的教学中,翻转课堂的方式逐渐得到了普遍运用,这是一种现代化教学方式,其有效地提升了大学英语教育水平,对学生的英语核心素养提升具有重要意义,下面,本文就針对翻转课堂方式在大学英语教育中的实施进行分析,希望对其教学提供一定的帮助。  【关键词】翻转课堂;大
【摘要】针对艺术专业学生英语学习缺乏规划的问题,本文以生涯规划CASVE理论作为工具进行英语学习决策分析,尝试通过沟通、分析、综合、评估和执行等方式对艺术专业学生英语学习进行有效指导。  【关键词】生涯规划;CASVE;英语学习;决策  【作者简介】刘远,西安音乐学院基础部。  俗话说“谋定而后动”只有做好了充分的准备规划,才能进行行动,并且可以保证行动的准确性。对于英语学习也是一样适用的,个体学
【摘要】在中小学教學过程中我们会遇到一些英语学困班级,这时我们要分析学困班级产生的原因,采用有效的教学策略,提高学困班级的教学效果。我们要抓学生的学习习惯,要根据学生的实际情况,从内容上、形式上和方法上精心设计每一堂课,让学生学会学习,学会合作;要充分利用话题和文化对学生进行情感教育,要与学生建立良好的师生关系;要及时评价课堂教学活动,改变课堂教学策略,努力提高学困班级的英语教学效果。  【关键词
【摘要】随着近年来信息化技术的不断普及和发展,信息化教学的理念已经被广泛地应用到教学领域,信息化教学的理念的引入为高职英语教学带来一场改革,在改革过程中强化教学效果势在必行。本文主要通过对信息化教学的理念,信息化教学融入高职英语教学改革的必要性,高职英语的信息化教学改革实践这三部分内容进行阐述。致力于寻求增强教学效果的有效途径。希望通过本文能够为高职院校从事英语教学的教学提供一定参考建议。  【关
【摘要】随着互联网的高速发展,“互联网 教育”成为我国教育发展的新趋势,互联网以不可抵挡的姿态与我国学科教学相融合。本文笔者从“互联网 大学英语教学”角度入手,探究新时期大学英语教学应如何创新教学实践,以积极的姿态推动“互联网 ”与大学英语教学相融合。  【关键词】“互联网 ”;大学英语;教学实践  【作者简介】李云,陸军军事交通学院基础部。  随着教育信息化的发展,互联网为大学生提供了新的学习空
【摘要】随着科技不断发展,带给英语学习者多样的信息与资源,而如何在多媒体环境下利用这些资源,来促进学生自主学习显得尤为重要。本文结合了以多媒体为依托的自主学习现状,来分析新型模式下的英语自主学习策略。  【关键词】多媒体;自主学习;英语学习策略  【作者简介】倪珂(2000.07-),女,回族,河南驻马店人,南阳师范学院2017级英语专业在读本科生,研究方向:英语。  一、引言  多媒体设备作为当
【摘要】英语语法的教学贯穿了学生几乎整个学习生涯,相较于中学阶段的英语语法教学而言,大学时期的语法教学内容更加细致、深入,对于教师的教学能力和学生的学习能力提出了更高的要求。从当前大学英语语法的教学现状来看,教师教着累、学生学习积极性低是制约着大学英语语法教学效果提升的主要原因之一。基于此,本文以大学生的学习动机为切入点,探讨了大学英语语法教学效果的影响因素及改善途径。  【关键词】大学英语;语法
【摘要】本文以基于分层教学法的初中英语教学分析为主要内容进行阐述,结合当下分层教学法介绍、分层教学法在初中英语中实施的必要性和分层教学法在初中英语教学中实施有效对策为主要依据,从对英语教学内容进行分层、对班级学生进行分层、尊重学生个性化差异这几方面进行深入探讨和分析,其目的在于加强分层教学法在初中英语教学中的价值,旨在为相关研究提供参考资料。  【关键词】分层教学法;初中英语教学;个性化差异;因材