肺泡蛋自质沉着症(Pulmonary alveolar Proteinosis)是罕见的肺部疾病。1958年由Rosen等氏首先报告,国内自候杰首例报告至今,仅有数十例,而且生前确诊者殊少。我们遇到一例,现报告如下:患者女性,30岁。因咳嗽、吐白色痰偶有黄脓痰,胸痛半年,进行性加重伴呼吸困难一周入院。查体:体温38.2℃,脉搏120~130次/分,呼吸36次/分。发育中等,慢性病容。肺部扣诊音清,两肺散在干湿性哕音。心界不大,心律齐,未闻及器质性杂音。化验室检查:自细胞15400,中性80%,淋巴20%,血红蛋白11.5克,血沉70毫米。痰查抗酸杆菌、癌细胞多次阴性。痰中找到碘酸雪夫氏(PAS)阳性物质。
Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis is a rare lung disease. In 1958, Rosen et al. First reported that there are only a few dozens of cases in our country since the first case report and the few confirmed cases before his death. We have encountered a case, report as follows now: Patient female, 30 years old. Due to cough, spit white sputum occasionally yellow purulent sputum, chest pain for six months, progressive aggravated with dyspnea one week hospitalization. Physical examination: body temperature 38.2 ℃, pulse 120 to 130 beats / min, breathing 36 beats / min. Development of moderate, chronic disease. Lung buckle sound clear, wet lungs scattered in both lungs 哕 sound. Little heart, heart rate Qi, no smell and organic noise. Laboratory tests: Since the cells 15400, 80% neutral, lymph 20%, hemoglobin 11.5 grams, erythrocyte sedimentation rate 70 mm. Sputum check acid bacilli, cancer cells repeatedly negative. Sputum found in the sputum acid (PAS) positive material.