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北京市通州区小务中学地处北京市东南,1958年建校,是一所普通的农村初中学校。几十年来,学校为社会培养了数万名合格毕业生,在当地得到了老百姓的认可和赞誉。学校以“为了学生的全面发展”为办学宗旨,以“学会做人,学会故事,学会认知,学会合作”为办学目标,坚持“以人为本,全员育人,全过程育人”的德育理念,以“开拓进取,求实创新”的精神实现着自我价值。1999年被通州区教委授予“办学规范建设成绩显著校”,2000年被区教委授予“办学规范化建设示范校”,2001年被授予“北京市规范化建设示范校”,2003年荣获“北京市百所好家长学校”,2001年-2006年中考连续6年成绩优秀,其中2003年中考,在通州区28所农村中学里中考成绩荣登榜首,2003-2005年至续三年被评为“通州区初三毕业班工作优秀学校”。学校始终坚持“德育为首,全面育人”,培养学生实践能力和创新精神,推进素质教育的实施,学校成立了各种兴趣小组,如绘画小组、软排球队、电脑小组等,建立了校园国旗班、校园之声广播站、心理诊所、少年团校等,通过开展丰富多彩的教育活动,培养学生的多种能力。仅2004-2006年学校师生在区级以上的“迎春杯”数学竞赛、“潞河杯”英语大赛、中学生艺术节、读书系列活动“学会做人”等竞赛活动中获奖240人次。 Tongzhou District, Beijing Elementary School is located in southeastern Beijing, founded in 1958, is an ordinary rural junior high school. For decades, the school has trained tens of thousands of qualified graduates for the community, and has won the recognition and praise of ordinary people in the area. The school regards “for the all-round development of students” as the tenet of running a school and takes “learning to be a human being, learn the story, learn to know and learn to cooperate” as the school goal, adhere to the moral education philosophy of “people oriented, To ”pioneering, realistic and innovative“ spirit of achieving self-worth. Tongzhou District Board of Education in 1999 was awarded ”a significant standard school construction management school“ in 2000 by the District Board of Education awarded the ”standardization of construction school model school“ in 2001 was awarded the ”standardization of Beijing Municipal Model School“ in 2003 won the ”Beijing 100 Good parent school “2001-2,006 years in the examination for 6 years outstanding results, including 2003 senior high school entrance examination in Tongzhou District 28 rural middle school entrance examination results topped the list, 2003-2005 to the third consecutive year was named” Tongzhou District third year graduation class work excellent school “. The school has always adhered to the ”moral education led by a comprehensive education of people,“ training students practical ability and innovative spirit, promote the implementation of quality education, the school set up a variety of interest groups, such as painting group, soft volleyball team, computer group, set up a campus flag Classes, campus radio stations, psychological clinics, juvenile schools and so on, through a variety of educational activities, to develop a variety of students' abilities. Only 2004-2006 school teachers and students at the district level above the ”Spring Cup“ mathematics competition, ”Luhe Cup“ English Competition, Secondary School Arts Festival, reading series activities ”learn to be human" and other awards 240 competitions.
剩余牙槽嵴的萎缩是影响义齿固位,稳定、支持和咀嚼功能的重要因素。 材料和方法 无牙颌患者44例,女性28例,男性16例,平均年龄81.1岁。两组年龄无显著差异。对每一观察对象
阐述了环境因素对工程机械性能及使用寿命的影响,提出了有关工程机械适应环境能力的建议。 The effects of environmental factors on the performance and service life of
三年前,我们学校还不是外来务工人员随迁子女定点学校,但我们班其实已经成了农民工子弟班了。我们班一共有56位学生,其中,非合肥市户口有44个,侯炎来自河南,张磊来自重庆,张凯蔷是黑龙江的,其余同学来自安徽省各地市,大多数学生来自合肥三县(肥东、肥西、长丰)。  三年来,我和学生有太多的故事,今天,我要和大家分享的就是我和学生王传乐的故事。  王传乐,男,1994年3月5日出生。我们班学生大多在199
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