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土地是农民赖以生存的最基本的生产和生活资料,土地权益是农民最基本、最重要的权利和利益,是农民维持生存的最低的生活保障。而现今,随着我国的城市化进程不断加快,失地农民的数量不断增多,但是我国对于失地农民权益的保护很不到位,农民土地权益受到严重的侵害,所以急需我们对于农民土地权益的保护进行研究,以更好的保护农民的土地权益。本文拟从经济法的角度对我国现今土地制度的现状和缺陷进行评析,对农民土地权益保护的完善提出建议。 Land is the most basic production and living material for peasants to survive. Land rights and interests are the most basic and important rights and interests of peasants and the lowest living guarantee for peasants to survive. Nowadays, with the accelerating process of urbanization in our country and the increasing number of landless peasants, the protection of the rights and interests of landless peasants is not enough and the rights and interests of peasants are severely infringed. Therefore, we urgently need to protect the rights and interests of peasants' land Research to better protect the rights and interests of farmers land. This article intends to appraise the status quo and defects of the current land system in our country from the perspective of economic law and put forward some suggestions on how to improve the peasants' land rights and interests.
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