
来源 :中国青年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mengstephenmengsteph
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59年前,毛主席在延安出版的《中国青年》杂志上发表了“青年运动的方向”一文,文中提出一个著名标准,即辨别一个青年是不是革命的,要看他愿意不愿意,并且实行不实行和广大工农群众结合在一起。时光流转,世事沧桑。经济建设取代了阶级搏杀,革命战争让位于和平发展。在今天,我们该拿什么标准来辨别青年?什么样的青年才是最有志气、最有出息、最有前途的?很想向青年读者介绍一位朋友。他叫刘炳凯,今年26岁,是舟山海洋渔业公司舟渔冷六号/622轮对船团支部书记。1995年大学毕业后,他主动要求下海捕鱼,当上一名船员。如果说刚出校门的他,多少还带有浪漫和幻想、动摇和彷徨,那 59 years ago, Chairman Mao published “The Direction of Youth Movement” in the “China Youth” magazine published in Yan’an. The article proposed a well-known standard of discerning whether a youth is revolutionary or not, depending on whether or not he is willing to do so. And the implementation of non-implementation and the broad masses of workers and peasants together. Time flow, the vicissitudes of life. The economic construction replaced the class struggle and the revolutionary war gave way to peaceful development. Today, what criteria should we use to identify young people? What kind of young people are the most ambitious, the most promising and the most promising? Would like to introduce a friend to young readers. His name is Liu Bingkai, 26 years old this year, Zhoushan Marine Fisheries Company boat fishing cold on the 6th / 622 wheel boat branch branch secretary. After graduating from college in 1995, he volunteered to go fishing in the sea as a crew member. If he just came out of school, how many still with romantic and fantasy, shaken and wandering, that
对于下岗者而言,多一份本事,就多一份再就业的希望. 当上餐厅见习助理的中学教师一年前还是中学教师的陈露眼下的心情实在很难用语言表达:下岗、失业、再入学、再就业,这一年
●特别成就: 在野生大熊猫的生态学研究领域和分子进化领域取得重要发现荣誉档案: 两次获国家科委、教委科技进步奖;曾被中国科协评为“杰出青年科学家”;1998年度“中国十
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在解某些几何题时,由于题设不能唯一确定图形,致使有的同学只根据一种情况进行计算,而造成解的遗漏,现举有关圆的几例以引起重视。 When solving certain geometric proble
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题目某人沿着电车道以每分0.1千米的速度前进,每隔5分迎面开来一辆电车,每隔7.5分从后面开过一辆电车,若车速都是相同的匀速(速度不变),并且始点和终点的发车间隔时 The su
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